Monday 29 June 2015

Mini Gift Purses ~ Crochet

I made these sweet little gift purses for a Summer Fayre -
and put little gifts inside, wrapped in tissue paper ....... pin badges, friendship bracelets, lip gloss etc.
They were a big hit! :)
Mini Gift Purses - Crochet

Mini Gift Purses - Crochet


DK yarn
4mm crochet hook

 Pattern:            Method 1 ~

This pattern is written in UK terminology.         tc = treble crochet        dc = double crochet

Foundation Chain:   chain 12

Round 1:   1tc in third chain from hook, 2tc in every second stitch along chain (10sts),

and then continue in the same way along the bottom of the chain, making 2tc in in every other stitch (20sts in the round)

Join with a slip stitch.

Round 2:   chain 3 and make 1tc into the first 2-stitch group, 2tc in each 2-stitch group all around. (20sts).  Join with a slip stitch

Repeat round 2 four more times

Make the handle - chain 20sts


Slip stitch to opposite side - break off yarn - finish off - darn away ends

Add a pretty flower motif

* * * * *
If you can't get your head around working the first round along both sides of the foundation chain, don't worry !! It took me a few times of trying before I understood how to do this.......... I am a knitter first, and a crocheter second!
There is another way ~  Method 2
(Work in rounds - making a tube and then sew the bottom edge. Leave a long 'tail' to use for sewing up)  
Make a foundation chain of 20 sts

Join with a slip stitch

Round 1:   1tc in third chain from hook, 2tc in every second stitch along chain (20sts)

Join with a slip stitch

Round 2:   chain 3 and make 1tc into the first 2-stitch group, 2tc in each 2-stitch group all around. (20sts).  Join with a slip stitch

Repeat round 2 four more times

Make the handle - chain 20sts
Slip stitch to opposite side - break off yarn - finish off

Now sew the bottom edge closed using the 'tail of yarn

Darn away ends

Add a pretty flower motif 

* * * * *

Chain 3, join with a slip stitch into a ring
Round 1: ch2, make 11tc into ring, slip stitch to join (12sts)
Round 2: ch2, 4tc into same stitch, slip stitch into next stitch, 5tc into next stitch, slip stitch into next stitch, continue around (there should be 6 petals)


Copyright © 2015 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced

or republished on another webpage or website.

‘This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service.’

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Bibi Baby Jacket

Sweet little baby jacket in two sizes ~
newborn and 3 - 6 months baby

Bibi Baby Jacket

I previously used this stitch to make a baby gilet / waistcoat.
I love knitting this stitch ....... 
and as loads of knitters liked it too - and asked for a version with sleeves -
I thought it was a great idea!

Bibi Baby Jacket   ~   newborn
Bibi Baby Jacket     3 - 6 months

Bibi Baby Jacket                            newborn baby


60g DK yarn
4mm needles
3 small buttons


Width:                                  16 ½  (42cm)
Length:                                 9 “ (23cm)
Sleeve length:                      5” (13cm)


Begin with the Sleeves (work 2)

Cast on 28sts
Knit 5 rows, increasing 1st at each end of last row                               (30sts)
6th Row          S1, purl to last st, k1
7th Row:         S1, * k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, s1, k1, psso, k1, repeat from * to last st, k1
8th Row:         S1, purl to last st, k1
9th Row:         S1, *k2tog, yo, k3, yo, s1, k1, psso, repeat from * to last st, k1
10th Row:       S1, purl to last st, k1
11th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
12th Row:       S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the 7th – 12th rows 4 times more
Repeat the 7th – 10th rows once more
The sleeve should now measure about 5”
Next Row:  Cast off 3sts, knit to last 3sts, cast off 3sts   (24sts)
Leave these 24 stitches on a spare needle, or stitch holder

Work the Main Part
Cast on 94sts
Knit 5rows
6th Row          S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
7th Row:         S1, k4, * k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, s1, k1, psso, k1, repeat from * to last 5sts, k5
8th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
9th Row:         S1, k4, *k2tog, yo, k3, yo, s1, k1, psso, repeat from * to last 5sts, k5
10th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
11th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
12th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
Repeat 7th – 12th rows 4 times more
Repeat 7th – 10th rows once more
41st Row        S1, knit 21sts, cast off 6sts, knit 37sts, cast off 6sts, k21sts
Next Row:  S1, k4, p17, purl across 24sts from the first sleeve, purl 38sts from the back, purl 24sts from the second sleeve, purl 17sts from left front, k5                         (130sts)
Work the Yoke
1st Row:          S1, k2tog, yrn, k2, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end
2nd Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
3rd Row:         S1, k19, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k20, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k34, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k20, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k20                   (122sts)
4th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
5th Row:         S1, k18, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k18, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k32, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k18, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k19                   (114sts)
6th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
7th Row:         S1, k17, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k16, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k30, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k16, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k18                   (106sts)
8th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
9th Row:         S1, k16, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k14, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k28, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k14, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k17                   (98sts)
10th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
11th Row:       S1, k2tog, yrn, k2, (makes a buttonhole), k11,, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k12, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k26, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k12, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k16                 (90sts)
12th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
13th Row:       S1, k14, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k10, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k24, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k10, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k15                   (82sts)
14th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
15th Row:       S1, k13, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k8, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k22, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k8, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k14                  (74sts)
16th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
17th Row:       S1, k12, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k6, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k20, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k6, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k13                  (66sts)
18th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
19th Row:       S1, k11, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k4, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k18, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k4, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k12                  (58sts)
20th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
21st Row:       S1, k2tog, yrn, k2, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end
Knit 4 rows
Cast off knitwise
Sew up the sleeve and underarm seams.  Darn away ends.  Add 3 little buttons

Bibi Baby Jacket                              3 – 6 months baby


76g DK yarn
4mm needles
3 small buttons


Width:                              20  (51cm)
Length:                            10½ “ (26.5cm)
Sleeve length:                  ½” (14cm)


Begin with the Sleeves (work 2)

Cast on 30sts
Knit 5 rows
6th Row          S1, purl to last st, k1
7th Row:         S1, * k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, s1, k1, psso, k1, repeat from * to last st, k1
8th Row:         S1, purl to last st, k1
9th Row:         S1, *k2tog, yo, k3, yo, s1, k1, psso, repeat from * to last st, k1
10th Row:       S1, purl to last st, k1
11th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
12th Row:       S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the 7th – 12th rows 4 times more
Repeat the 7th – 10th rows once more
The sleeve should now measure about 5 ½
Next Row:  Cast off 3sts, knit to last 3sts, cast off 3sts   (24sts)
Leave these 24 stitches on a spare needle, or stitch holder

Work the Main Part

Cast on 115sts
Knit 5rows
6th Row         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
7th Row:         S1, k4, * k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, s1, k1, psso, k1, repeat from * to last 5sts, k5
8th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
9th Row:         S1, k4, *k2tog, yo, k3, yo, s1, k1, psso, repeat from * to last 5sts, k5
10th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
11th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
12th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
Repeat 7th – 12th rows 4 times more
Repeat 7th – 10th rows once more
41st Row        S1, knit 26sts, cast off 6sts, knit 48sts, cast off 6sts, k26sts
Next Row:  S1, k4, p22, purl across 24sts from the first sleeve, purl 49sts from the back, purl 24sts from the second sleeve, purl 22sts from left front, k5                         (151sts)

Work the Yoke
1st Row:          S1, k2tog, yrn, k2, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end
2nd Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
3rd Row:         S1, k23, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k22, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k43, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k22, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k24                   (143sts)
4th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
5th Row:         S1, k22, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k20, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k41, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k20, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k23                   (135sts)
6th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
7th Row:         S1, k21, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k18, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k39, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k18, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k22                   (127sts)
8th Row:         S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
9th Row:         S1, k20, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k16, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k37, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k16, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k21                   (119sts)
10th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
11th Row:       S1, k19, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k14, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k35, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k14, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k20                   (111sts)
12th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
13th Row:       S1, k2tog, yrn, k2, (makes a buttonhole), k14, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k12, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k33, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k12, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k19                 (103sts)
14th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
15th Row:       S1, k17, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k10, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k31, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k10, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k18                   (95sts)
16th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
17th Row:       S1, k16, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k8, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k29, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k8, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k17                  (87sts)
18th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
19th Row:       S1, k15, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k6, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k27, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k6, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k16                  (79sts)
20th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
21st Row:       S1, k14, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k4, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k25, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k4, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k15                  (71sts)
22nd Row:      S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
23rd Row:       S1, k13, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k2, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k23, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k2, s1,k1, psso, k2tog, k14                  (63sts)
24th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
25th Row:       S1, k2tog, yrn, k2, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end
Knit 4 rows
Cast off knitwise
Sew up the sleeve and underarm seams.  Darn away ends.
Add 3 little buttons

You will find instructions for the Bibi Baby Hat at ~

Copyright © 2015 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.
‘This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service.’

If you would like to make the gilet / waistcoat ~
6months, 12months
Newborn & Preemie sizes ~