Monday 26 September 2022

ORLA Fingerless Mittens

 I love these fingerless mittens - they are knitted with DK yarn, but the textured stitch pattern makes them thick and cosy. 

A lovely little gift. 

ORLA Fingerless Mittens                Adult Woman



DK yarn ~ around 27g - 30g

5mm needles



Width:    7” (18cm)  all around

Length:  7” (18cm)




Make 2 mittens the same


Cast on 37sts, leaving a tail to use for joining

Row 1:  S1, knit to end

Row 2:  S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 3:  S1, * k1, slip next stitch knitwise, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2

Row 4:  S1, * k1, take yarn to front, slip next stitch purwise, and put yarn to back again, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2


Repeat the last 4 rows 14 times more or until work measures around 7”

Next Row:  S1, knit to end

Cast off knitwise, leaving a ‘tail’ to use for joining

Fold in half lengthwise. Using the cast on tail, join the sides up to 3 inches. This is the bottom of the mitten. Using the cast off tail, seam the sides up to 2 inches for the top of the mitten. This should leave a 2 inch gap for the thumb.


Darn away ends




ORLA Fingerless Mittens               Teenager / Small Adult




DK yarn ~  around 25g - 30g

5mm needles




Width:              6½" (16.5cm)  all around

Length:            6¾"  (17cm)





Make 2 mittens the same


Cast on 35sts leaving a tail to use for joining

Row 1:  S1, knit to end

Row 2:  S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 3:  S1, * k1, slip next stitch knitwise, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2

Row 4:  S1, * k1, take yarn to front, slip next stitch purwise, and put yarn to back again, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2


Repeat the last 4 rows until work measures around 6¾" 

Next Row:  S1, knit to end

Cast off knitwise, leaving a ‘tail’ to use for joining


Fold in half lengthwise. Using the cast on tail, join the sides up to 2¾ inches. This is the bottom of the mitten. Using the cast off tail, seam the sides up to 2 inches for the top of the mitten. This should leave a 2 inch gap for the thumb.


Darn away ends



ORLA Fingerless Mittens                Child – Large             




DK yarn   around 22g - 26g

5mm needles




Width:              6¼" (16cm)  all around

Length:            6½" (16.5cm)





Make 2 mittens the same


Cast on 33sts leaving a tail to use for joining

Row 1:  S1, knit to end

Row 2:  S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 3:  S1, * k1, slip next stitch knitwise, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2

Row 4:  S1, * k1, take yarn to front, slip next stitch purwise, and put yarn to back again, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2


Repeat the last 4 rows until work measures around 6½" 

Next Row:  S1, knit to end

Cast off knitwise, leaving a ‘tail’ to use for joining


Fold in half lengthwise. Using the cast on tail, join the sides up to 2½ inches. This is the bottom of the mitten. Using the cast off tail, seam the sides up to 2 inches for the top of the mitten. This should leave a 2 inch gap for the thumb.


Darn away ends




ORLA Fingerless Mittens                Child – Medium          




DK yarn  ~ around 20g - 24g

5mm needles




Width:              6" (15cm)  all around

Length:            6" (15cm)





Make 2 mittens the same


Cast on 31sts leaving a tail to use for joining

Row 1:  S1, knit to end

Row 2:  S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 3:  S1, * k1, slip next stitch knitwise, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2

Row 4:  S1, * k1, take yarn to front, slip next stitch purwise, and put yarn to back again, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2


Repeat the last 4 rows until work measures around 6”

Next Row:  S1, knit to end

Cast off knitwise, leaving a ‘tail’ to use for joining


Fold in half lengthwise. Using the cast on tail, join the sides up to 2½ inches. This is the bottom of the mitten. Using the cast off tail, seam the sides up to 2 inches for the top of the mitten. This should leave a 1½ inch gap for the thumb.


Darn away ends





ORLA Fingerless Mittens                Child – Small              




DK yarn  ~  around 16g - 20g

5mm needles




Width:              5½" (14cm)  all around

Length:             5" (13cm)





Make 2 mittens the same


Cast on 29sts leaving a tail to use for joining

Row 1:  S1, knit to end

Row 2:  S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 3:  S1, * k1, slip next stitch knitwise, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2

Row 4:  S1, * k1, take yarn to front, slip next stitch purwise, and put yarn to back again, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2


Repeat the last 4 rows until work measures around 5”

Next Row:  S1, knit to end

Cast off knitwise, leaving a ‘tail’ to use for joining


Fold in half lengthwise. Using the cast on tail, join the sides up to 2 inches. This is the bottom of the mitten. Using the cast off tail, seam the sides up to 1½ inches for the top of the mitten. This should leave a 1½ inch gap for the thumb.


Darn away ends

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2022      ‘made by marianna’      All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared,
 reproduced or republished without permission on any webpage or website

Saturday 24 September 2022


 I think these little bats make cute Halloween decorations! 

Bat Applique   



DK yarn

3.75mm or 4mm needles

2 small beads (optional)


Wingspan 5" 


Cast on 40sts

Row 1:  Knit

Row 2:  Knit

Row 3:  Kfb, k17, k2tog, k2tog, k16, kfb, k1

Row 4:  Kfb, k17, k2tog, k2tog, k16, kfb, k1

Row 5:  Kfb, k3, k2tog, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k2tog, k2, kfb, k1 (32sts)

Row 6:  * K2, k2tog, k2tog, * repeat from * to * to last 2sts, k2     (22sts)

Knit 2 rows

Row 9:  K10, k2tog, k10      (21sts)

Row 10:  Cast off 7sts, knit to end

Row 11:  Cast off 7sts, knit to end            (7sts)

Row 12:  K2tog, k3, k2tog                            (5sts)

Row 13:  Knit

Row 14:  Kfb, k2, kfb, k1                               (7sts)

Knit 2 rows

K2, turn

K2, turn

K2, turn


Cast off 3sts, k2


S1, k1, psso, k1


Fasten off

Darn away ends

Add 2 small beads for eyes if desired.  Or, you could embroider them on if you prefer.

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2022      ‘made by marianna’      All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared,
 reproduced or republished without permission on any webpage or website. 

Thursday 8 September 2022

A Star for Elizabeth

 I was playing around, making a little knitted star today, when I heard the sad news that Queen Elizabeth had died. She herself was a bright and shining star through 70 years of loyal service to our country. In happy times and sad times too, her humour, compassion and dignity shone through. 

RIP Your Majesty. I would like to dedicate my Star to you. 

A Star for Elizabeth


DK yarn

3.5mm or 3.75mm needles


Cast on 7sts

Rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9:        Knit

Rows 2, 4, 6, 8:            Kfb, knit to last 2sts, k2tog

Cast off, leaving the last stitch on the needle

Continue by picking up 6sts along left edge

Work Rows 1 - 9

Repeat this sequence, making 6 points in total

Join with a short seam

Darn away ends

Add a hanging loop if desired

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2022      ‘made by marianna’      All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared,
 reproduced or republished without permission on any webpage or website. 

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Ribster Hats - Baby, Toddler & Child Sizes

 I have been knitting ribbed baby hats for around 6 years now! 

Because they are so stretchy, they are very practical......... And they seem to fit for ages!

I have now added new sizes, for toddlers and young children too. 

Ribster Hats ~ for Babies, Toddlers, & Young Children

Knit them as a beanie style hat - or add more rows if you prefer a turned-up brim.

And .... add a pom-pom if you like. 

These hats look great knitted in a plain self-coloured yarn, or with a variegated yarn. You choose ! 

Ribster Baby Hat                    Newborn Baby



Width:              11″ all around when stretched out

Height:             5½



DK yarn (around 12g of acrylic DK)

4mm needles

A pom-pom if desired


Cast on 56sts
1st Row:            S1, * k2, p2, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3
2nd Row:           S1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to last 3sts, p2, k1

Repeat the last 2 rows 14 times more

If you want a turn-up brim make your hat 1¼“ longer at this point

Shape Top ~

Next Row:         S1, * k2, p2tog, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3                              

Next Row:         S1, * p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         S1, * k2tog, p1, repeat from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                    

Next Row:         S1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         K2tog, across row, to last st, k1 

Next Row:         P2tog, across row, to last st, k1 

Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.

With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure

Sew up side seam and weave in ends.
Add a pom-pom if desired

 Ribster Baby Hat                    3 – 6 months


Width:              12″ all around when stretched out

Height:             6“ high


DK yarn (around 16g - 18g of acrylic DK) 

4mm needles

A pom-pom if desired


Cast on 64sts
1st Row:            S1, * k2, p2, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3

2nd Row:           S1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to last 3sts, p2, k1
Repeat last 2 rows 17 times more

If you want a turn-up brim make your hat 1¼“ longer at this point

Shape Top ~

Next Row:         S1, * k2, p2tog, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3                               (49sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         S1, * k2tog, p1, repeat from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                     (33sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         K2tog, across row, to last st, k1 

Next Row:         P2tog, across row, to last st, k1 

Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.

With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure

Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Add a pom-pom if desired



Ribster Baby Hat                      6 - 12 months      



Width:             7“ (17.75cm),   14” (35.5cm) all around when stretched out
Height:           6½ “ (16.5cm)



DK yarn (around 20g of acrylic DK)

4mm needles

A pom-pom if desired


Cast on 72sts
1st Row:            S1, * k2, p2, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3

2nd Row:           S1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to last 3sts, p2, k1
Repeat last 2 rows 20 times more

If you want a turn-up brim make your hat 1½ “ longer at this point

Shape Top ~

Next Row:         S1, * k2, p2tog, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3                                           (55sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         S1, * k2tog, p1, repeat from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                                 (37sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         K2tog, across row, to last st, k1                                                       (19sts)

Next Row:         P2tog, across row, to last st, k1                                                       (10sts)

Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.

With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure

Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Add a pom-pom if desired



Ribster Baby Hat                      1 – 2 years                             



Width:             7½“ (19cm)   15” (38cm) all around when stretched out

Height:           7½“ (19cm)



DK yarn ~ around 23g – 25g

4mm needles

A pom-pom if desired


Cast on 80sts
1st Row:            S1, * k2, p2, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3

2nd Row:           S1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to last 3sts, p2, k1
Repeat last 2 rows 23 times more

If you want a turn-up brim make your hat 1½ “ longer at this point


Shape Top ~

Next Row:         S1, * k2, p2tog, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3                                           (61sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         S1, * k2tog, p1, repeat from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                                 (41sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         K2tog, across row, to last st, k1                                                       (21sts)

Next Row:         P2tog, across row, to last st, k1                                                       (11sts)

Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.

With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure

Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Add a pom-pom if desired



Ribster Baby Hat                       3 - 4 years                                 


Width:              8“ (20.5cm)   16” (41cm) all around when stretched out

Height:            8“ (20.5cm)




DK yarn (around 30g of acrylic DK) 

4mm needles

A pom-pom if desired


Cast on 88sts
1st Row:            S1, * k2, p2, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3

2nd Row:           S1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to last 3sts, p2, k1
Repeat last 2
rows 25 times more

If you want a turn-up brim make your hat 1¾ “ longer at this point


Shape Top ~

Next Row:         S1, * k2, p2tog, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3                                           (67sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         S1, * k2tog, p1, repeat from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                                 (45sts)

Next Row:         S1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end

Next Row:         K2tog, across row to last st, k1                                                        (23sts)

Next Row:         P2tog, across row, to last st, k1                                                       (12sts)

Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.

With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure

Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Add a pom-pom if desired

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2022      ‘made by marianna’      All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared,
 reproduced or republished without permission on any webpage or website.