Saturday 25 June 2022

Knit Along Baby Blanket


Knit Along Baby Blanket   ~   PART 1


DK yarn, or any yarn that knits to a Tension / Gauge of 22sts = 4" (10cm)

Choose the size you want to make - the amount of yarn is listed below - please note this is an estimate, and will vary depending on the yarn you use. (The amount suggested is for Acrylic yarn).

4mm needles


Cast on 83sts, 93sts, 103sts, 113sts, 123sts, 133sts, or 143sts, depending on the size of blanket you wish to make -

83sts for a blanket of around 15” width, for a preemie baby/doll (requires around 80g)

93sts for a blanket of around 17” width, for a preemie baby, (requires around 100g)

103sts for a blanket of around 19” width, (requires around 140g)

123sts for a blanket of around 22½” width, for a newborn, (requires around 180g)

133sts for a blanket of around 24” width, (requires around 250g)

143sts for a blanket of around 26” width, (requires around 280g)

Knit 10 rows

Row 11:           Knit

Row 12:           K6, p5, * k1, p9, rep from * to last 12sts, k1, p5, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Row 15:           Knit

Row 16:           K6, p4, * k3, p7, rep from * to last 13sts, k3, p4, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Knit-Along Baby Blanket   ~   PART 2


Row 19:           Knit

Row 20:           K6, p3, * k5, p5, rep from * to last 14sts, k5, p3, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Row 23:           Knit

Row 24:           K6, p2, * k7, p3, rep from * to last 15sts, k7, p2, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Row 27:           Knit

Row 28:           K6, p1, * k9, p1, rep from * to last 6sts, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Knit-Along Baby Blanket   ~   PART 3


Row 31:           Knit

Row 32:           K6, p2, * k7, p3, rep from * to last 15sts, k7, p2, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Row 35:           Knit

Row 36:           K6, p3, * k5, p5, rep from * to last 14sts, k5, p3, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Row 39:           Knit

Row 40:           K6, p4, * k3, p7, rep from * to last 13sts, k3, p4, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Row 43:           Knit

Row 44:           K6, p5, * k1, p9, rep from * to last 12sts, k1, p5, k6

Repeat the last 2 rows once more

Knit-Along Baby Blanket   ~   PART 4


Rows 15 – 46 form the pattern

Repeat these pattern rows until you are happy with the length of your blanket, ending after a row 46.

(I usually make my baby blankets square, or a little longer than their width).


Knit 11 rows

Cast off 

Thank you so much for taking part in this Mystery Knit Along!  

I hope you are having fun !  

And please remember - do not add posts, comments or pics of your progress  here, or on facebook (or other social media)  - until the Reveal Day!  This will allow the surprise to continue for everyone. 

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2022      ‘made by marianna’      All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished without permission on another webpage or website.  

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Best Creative Patterns Award

 It is always lovely to be appreciated - and to win an award is just great ! 

I was recently nominated - and won - this award 

in the Best Creative Patterns category.

That certainly put a smile on my face!

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Quick and Simple Baby Booties

Quick & Simple Baby Booties 

Quick & Simple Baby Booties

In three sizes ~
premature baby, newborn and 3 months 
These are knitted with DK yarn and 4mm needles

Quick & Simple Booties             Size:   3 months                      
Length of sole:       4” (10cm)
Cast on 41sts
Knit 11 rows
12th Row:     S1, p17, k5, p17, k1
13th Row:     S1, k15, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k16
14th Row:     S1, p14, p2tog tbl, k5, p2tog, p14, k1
15th Row:     S1, k13, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k14
16th Row:     S1, p12, p2tog tbl, k5, p2tog, p12, k1
17th Row:     S1, k11, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k12
18th Row:     S1, p10, p2tog tbl, k5, p2tog, p10, k1
19th Row:     S1, k9, k2tog, k5, s1, k1, psso, k10
20th Row:     S1, p8, p2tog tbl, k5, p2tog, p8, k1                            (25sts)
21st Row:      S1, knit across row
22nd Row:     S1, p9, k5, p9, k1

Repeat the last 2rows three times more

Knit 8 rows

Cast off knitwise loosely – I use a larger size needle, or a stretchy cast off
Sew seam along the sole

Sew back seam

Darn away ends

Fold down cuff

Make two bootees the same

Quick & Simple Booties             Size:   Newborn                     
Length of sole:       3½” (9cm)
Cast on 36sts
Knit 9 rows
10th Row:     S1, p15, k4, p15, k1
11th Row:     S1, k13, k2tog, k4, s1, k1, psso, k14
12th Row:     S1, p12, p2tog tbl, k4, p2tog, p12, k1
13th Row:     S1, k11, k2tog, k4, s1, k1, psso, k12
14th Row:     S1, p10, p2tog tbl, k4, p2tog, p10, k1
15th Row:     S1, k9, k2tog, k4, s1, k1, psso, k10
16th Row:     S1, p8, p2tog tbl, k4, p2tog, p8, k1                          
17th Row:     S1, k7, k2tog, k4, s1, k1, psso, k8                             (22sts)
18th Row:     S1, p8, k4, p8, k1
19th Row:     S1, knit across row
20th Row:     S1, p8, k4, p8, k1
Repeat the last 2rows twice more 
Knit 8 rows
Cast off knitwise loosely – I use a larger size needle, or a stretchy cast off

Sew seam along the sole
Sew back seam
Darn away ends
Fold down cuff
Make two bootees the same
Quick & Simple Booties             Size:   Premature Baby                               
Length of sole:       3” (8cm)
Cast on 31sts
Knit 7 rows
8th Row:       S1, p13, k3, p13, k1
9th Row:       S1, k11, k2tog, k3, s1, k1, psso, k12
10th Row:     S1, p10, p2tog tbl, k3, p2tog, p10, k1
11th Row:     S1, k9, k2tog, k3, s1, k1, psso, k10
12th Row:     S1, p8, p2tog tbl, k3, p2tog, p8, k1
13th Row:     S1, k7, k2tog, k3, s1, k1, psso, k8
14th Row:     S1, p6, p2tog tbl, k3, p2tog, p6, k1                            (19sts)
15th Row:     S1, knit across row
16th Row:     S1, p7, k3, p7, k1
Repeat the last 2rows twice more  

Knit 6 rows

Cast off knitwise loosely – I use a larger size needle, or a stretchy cast off
Sew seam along the sole
Sew back seam
Darn away ends
Fold down cuff
Make two bootees the same

 I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2022        ‘made by marianna’         All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.