Thursday 19 September 2019

Elspeth Baby Bonnet

This little bonnet is so tiny - but so sweet and delicate ! 

Perfect for small preemie babies 

I knitted this with DK yarn and 4mm needles,
a smaller size can be achieved by using 4ply yarn and 3.25mm needles

Elspeth Baby Bonnet              Small Preemie

Width:           3 ¼ ”
Height:          3 ¾ ”

DK yarn
4mm needles

Cast on 13sts

Work in stocking stitch (1row knit, 1 row purl) for 18 rows
Cast on 11sts at end of next 2 rows                                                (35sts)

Row 1:          S1, knit to end
Row 2:          S1, purl to last st, k1
Row 3:          S1, knit to end
Row 4:          *S1, k1, repeat from * to last st, k1
Row 5:          S1, knit to end
Row 6:          S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat the last 4 rows twice more
Knit 3 rows

Cast off loosely (knitwise), leaving the last stitch on the needle – do not cut the yarn
Sew side edge of cap to 11 cast on stitches of front - sew second side the same

Continuing from the stitch left on the needle - pick up 9 more stitches along one front edge, 13sts along the base, 10sts along the next front edge                  (33sts)
Row 1:          S1, knit to end
Row 2:          S1, *k2tog, yrn, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2     (Eyelet Row)
Row 3:          S1, knit to end

Cast off loosely
Darn away ends

Cut a length of satin ribbon about 20" and draw through eyelet row.  Tie in a bow

You will find the matching Elspeth Baby Gown here ~ 

These were designed and knitted by Jean Murray

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website. 

Copyright © 2019 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved

Saturday 14 September 2019

Santa's Belt ~ Chocolate Orange Cover

Just for fun ~ I thought some of you might like to make a few of these.  

I am not mentioning the Chr*stm*s word ...... yet ...... but I know you like to get ready early !! 

Santa's Belt ~ Chocolate Orange Cover

Santa’s Belt         Cover for a Chocolate Orange

DK yarn in red, a small amount of black for the belt, and a tiny amount of yellow/gold for the buckle

3.5mm knitting needles

Using Red ~

Cast on 43sts

1st Row:  S1, *k1, p1, repeat from * to the last 2sts, k2

2nd Row:  S1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end

Repeat last 2 rows three times more

9th Row:  S1, knit to end

10th Row: S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat last 2 rows once more

Add in black yarn  ~ do not cut off red yarn ~

13th Row:  S1, knit to end

14th Row: S1, purl to last st, k1

Cut off black yarn, and continue in red yarn ~

15th Row:  S1, knit to end

16th Row: S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat last 2 rows three more

23rd Row: *K2tog, repeat from * to last st, K1

24th Row:  P2tog, to end

25th Row: *K2tog, repeat from * to last st, K1                   (6sts)

Cut off the yarn, leaving a 'tail' to use for sewing up, draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly

Sew up the side seam, using the corresponding colour for each section.
Darn away ends

Use a length of yellow/gold yarn to make a ‘buckle’ on the black belt

Fill with a Terry’s Chocolate Orange

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website. 

Copyright © 2019 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved

Thursday 5 September 2019

Pumpkin Baby Hats

Pumpkin Baby Hats 

Pumpkin Hats       for Premature Babies

Each hat requires:
DK yarn in orange, and a tiny amount of green for the stalk
4mm knitting needles

Small  Premature Baby Hat   
Size:   7″ circumference,  3½“ high

Using 4mm needles & orange yarn, cast on 37sts
1st Row:  S1, *k1, p1, repeat from * to the last 2sts, k2
2nd Row:  S1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more 
9th Row:  S1, knit to end of row
10th Row:  S1, *p3, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last two rows 5 times more

Shape Top ~

21st Row:  S1, k1, *k2tog, k2, rep from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1           (28sts)
22nd Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end
23rd Row:  S1, knit to end
24th Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Cut off orange yarn and add in green yarn ~
25th Row:  K1, *k2tog, k1, rep from * to end                               (19sts)
26th Row:  S1, purl to last st, k1
27th Row:  K2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                              (10sts)
28th Row:  S1, p2tog, p2tog, p2tog, p2tog, k1                              (6sts)
Work 18 rows in stocking stitch
Cast off

Sew up side seam
Darn away ends
Tie the green ‘stalk’ in a knot

Medium Premature Baby Hat
Size:   9″ circumference, 4½“ high

Using 4mm needles & orange yarn, cast on 45sts

1st Row:  S1, *k1, p1, repeat from * to the last 2sts, k2
2nd Row:  S1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more 
9th Row:  S1, knit to end of row
10th Row:  S1, *p3, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last two rows 9 times more

Shape Top ~

29th Row:  S1, k1, *k2tog, k2, rep from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1           (34sts)
30th Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end
31st Row:  S1, knit to end
32nd Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Cut off orange yarn and add in green yarn ~

33rd Row:  K1, *k2tog, k1, rep from * to end                               (23sts)
34th Row:  S1, purl to last st, k1
35th Row:  K2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                              (12sts)
36th Row:  P2tog across row                                                         (6sts)

Work 18 rows in stocking stitch
Cast off

Sew up side seam
Darn away ends
Tie the green ‘stalk’ in a knot

Large  Premature Baby Hat
Size:   11″ circumference, 5½“ high

Using 4mm needles & orange yarn, cast on 57sts

1st Row:  S1, *k1, p1, repeat from * to the last 2sts, k2
2nd Row:  S1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more 
9th Row:  S1, knit to end of row
10th Row:  S1, *p3, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last two rows 13 times more

Shape Top ~

37th Row:  S1, k1, *k2tog, k2, rep from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1           (43sts)
38th Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end
39th Row:  S1, knit to end
40th Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Cut off orange yarn and add in green yarn ~

41st Row:  K1, *k2tog, k1, rep from * to end                               (29sts)
42nd Row:  S1, purl to last st, k1
43rd Row:  K2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                             (15sts)
44th Row:  P2tog across row to last st, k1                                    (8sts)

Work 18 rows in stocking stitch
Cast off

Sew up side seam
Darn away ends
Tie the green ‘stalk’ in a knot

Newborn - 3months  Baby Hat

Size:   12½″ circumference, 6“ high
Using 4mm needles & orange yarn, cast on 65sts
1st Row:  S1, *k1, p1, repeat from * to the last 2sts, k2
2nd Row:  S1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last 2 rows 4 times more 
11th Row:  S1, knit to end of row
12th Row:  S1, *p3, k1, repeat from * to end
Repeat the last two rows 16 times more

Work should now measure around 5½“

Shape Top ~

45th Row:  S1, k1, *k2tog, k2, rep from * to last 3sts, k2tog, k1           (49sts)
46th Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end
47th Row:  S1, knit to end
48th Row:  S1, *p2, k1, repeat from * to end

Cut off orange yarn and add in green yarn ~

49th Row:  K1, *k2tog, k1, rep from * to end                               (33sts)
50th Row:  S1, purl to last st, k1
51st Row:  K2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                              (17sts)
52nd Row:  P2tog across row to last st, k1                                    (9sts)
53rd Row:  S1, k2, *k2tog, k4                                                      (8sts)

Work 17 rows in stocking stitch
Cast off

Sew up side seam
Darn away ends

Tie the green ‘stalk’ in a knot

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website. 

Copyright © 2019 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved