Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Age UK / Innocent Smoothie Hats


Age UK / Innocent Smoothie Hats

For the past 20 years Big Knit supporters have knitted and donated millions of little woolly hats for innocent smoothies, with money from every bottle sold going towards supporting older people during the cold winter months.

 Knitters from across the land are sending their hats (until 1st July this year), they will be put onto bottles and sent out to stores.  The smoothies, with their hats, are available to buy in stores across the country in October, and for every hatted bottle sold, 30p is donated to Age UK.

Since 2003, the innocent Big Knit has raised an incredible £3.2 million for Age UK.

This is such a great way to use up small leftover amounts of yarn.

Age UK / Innocent Smoothie Hats



DK yarn – a small amount only is needed

4mm needles


Tension /  Gauge:

22sts = 4” (10cm)


Bobble Hat

Cast on 30sts

Knit 4 rows

St-st 10 rows in one colour (or work in stripes)

K2tog across row                                15sts


K2tog across row to last st, k1           8sts

Cut off yarn

Put the tail onto a sewing needle and thread it through the remaining stitches, and pull tightly to close

Join the back seam

Darn away ends


Add a bobble ~

Small Bobble

Cast on 2sts

Kfb, k1

Kfb, kfb, k1                                          5sts

Knit 2 rows

K2tog, k2tog, k1                                  3sts

S1, k1, psso

Fasten off

Tie the cast on and cast off tails together


Medium Bobble

Cast on 2sts

Kfb, kfb                                                4sts

Kfb, kfb, kfb, k1                                   7sts

Knit 4 rows

K2tog, k2tog, k2tog, k1                       4sts

K2tog, k2tog                                        2sts


Fasten off

Tie the cast on and cast off tails together, and make a couple of stitches to pull in the sides if required.


‘Tweedy’ Bobble Hat

Work exactly as for the Bobble Hat above – but use 2 strands of 4ply yarn (instead of DK yarn)

Add a bobble or a small pom-pom


Tufted Hat

Cast on 30sts

Knit 4 rows

St-st 10 rows in one colour (or work in stripes)

K2tog across row                                15sts


K2tog across row to last st, k1           8sts

Cut off yarn

Put the tail onto a sewing needle and thread it through the remaining stitches, and pull tightly to close

Join the back seam


Add tufts to the top of the hat.

I cut six  4” lengths and secured them to the top with a knot.



Using yellow yarn, work exactly as for the Tufted Hat just above – and add 2 little eyes and a beak. So cute!



Using pink, yellow, beige or brown cast on 30sts

Knit 2 rows

St-st 6 rows

Knit 2 rows

Cut off yarn and add in white

Knit 2 rows

St-st 2 rows

K2tog across row                                15sts


K2tog to last st, k1                              8sts

P2tog across row                                4sts

Continue for the cherry on the top ~

Cut off yarn and add in red

K2tog, k2tog                                        2sts

Kfb kfb                                                 4sts

Kfb, kfb, kfb, k1                                   7sts

Knit 4 rows

K2tog, k2tog, k2tog, k1                       4sts

K2tog, k2tog                                        2sts


Fasten off

Tie the red cast on and cast off tails together, and make a couple of stitches to pull in the sides of the cherry.  Fasten off

Join the back seam

Darn away ends

You can send your hats to:

Age UK
Fruit Towers
342 Ladbroke Grove
London, W10 5BU

There are more pattern instructions (both knit or crochet) here ~ 



I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  

In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.  

However, please do not copy my patterns
Copyright © 2025      ‘made by marianna’       All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced
or republished on any webpage or website 

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