Saturday, 25 February 2017

Babbity Hats in 2 colours

I love these sweet little hats - so simple but so cute!
Babbity Baby Hats

Babbity Baby Hats        in 2 colours
DK yarn in 2 complementary colours
4mm needles

Very Small Premature Baby  7″ circumference,  3½“ high
Using contrast colour yarn, cast on 36sts
1st Row:         S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using main colour yarn ~
3rd Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
5th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 3 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
9th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
11th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row three times more
Cut off contrast colour yarn and continue using main colour only ~
15th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
16th Row:       S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows four times more
Shape Top ~
Next Row:      *K3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (29sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K2, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (22sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (15sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      K2tog across row to last st, k1                           (8sts)                              
Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.
With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure
Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Small  Premature Baby  8″ circumference,  4“ high
Using contrast colour yarn, cast on 41sts
1st Row:         S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 3 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
5th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
7th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 3 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
11th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
13th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 5 times more
Cut off contrast colour yarn and continue using main colour only ~
19th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
20th Row:       S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows 4 times more

Shape Top ~
Next Row:      *K3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (33sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K2, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (25sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (17sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      K2tog across row to last st, k1                            (9sts)                             
Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.
With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure
Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Medium Premature Baby  9″ circumference, 4½“ high
Using contrast colour yarn, cast on 46sts
1st Row:         S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 3 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
5th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
7th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 5 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
13th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
15th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 5 times more
Cut off contrast colour yarn and continue using main colour only ~
21st Row:       S1, knit to end of row
22nd Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows five times more
Shape Top ~
Next Row:      *K3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (37sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K2, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (28sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (19sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      K2tog across row to last st, k1                           (10sts)                                                                                                        
Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.
With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure
Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Large  Premature Baby  10″ circumference, 5“ high
Using contrast colour yarn, cast on 51sts
1st Row:         S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 3 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
5th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
7th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 5 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
13th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
15th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 5 times more
Cut off contrast colour yarn and continue using main colour only ~
21st Row:       S1, knit to end of row
22nd Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows 7 times more
Shape Top ~
Next Row:      *K3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (41sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K2, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (31sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (21sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      K2tog across row to last st, k1                           (11sts)                                                                               
Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.
With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure
Sew up side seam and weave in ends.

Newborn Baby  11″ circumference, 5½ “ high
Using contrast colour yarn, cast on 56sts
1st Row:         S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 5 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
7th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
9th Row:        S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 7 times more
Using main colour yarn ~
17th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row once more
Using contrast colour yarn ~
19th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
Repeat this row 7 times more
Cut off contrast colour yarn and continue using main colour only ~
27th Row:       S1, knit to end of row
28th Row:       S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows 6 times more
Shape Top ~
Next Row:      *K3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (45sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K2, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (34sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1
Next Row:      *K1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1               (23sts)
Next Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1 
Next Row:      K2tog across row to last st, k1                           (12sts)                                       
Cut the yarn leaving a ‘tail’.
With a yarn needle, pull the yarn through all the remaining loops and secure
Sew up side seam and weave in ends

Babbity Baby Hats

 I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.  
However, please do not copy my patterns
Copyright © 2017 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Meadow Sweet Baby Blanket

Meadow Sweet Baby Blanket

This is a very pretty little baby blanket.
So sweet 
Meadow Sweet Baby Blanket

Requires ~ 

DK yarn 
~ around 60g for the angel baby/ baby doll size 
~ around 250g for the baby blanket
4.5mm needles 

Tension ~ 21sts = 4” (10cm)

Angel Baby ~ 14½”

Baby Blanket ~ 30”

This sweet baby blanket pattern is available in my Ravelry store ~ 

Great gift for a new baby

 I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.  
However, please do not copy my patterns
Copyright © 2017 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Cute version of Max Baby Cardigan


MAX - pattern adapted by Diana Hršak - knitted by Diane D. Louw 

This design is a joint effort ~ the original pattern is mine ~ 
but this version with the cute raglan pattern was written by Diana Hršak
and knitted by Diane D. Louw who knits for charities in Cape Town. 
Many thanks to both of you for sharing your talents.  


 Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 64sts

Rows 1 & 2     Knit

Row 3            K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4 & 5     Knit

Row 6            K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 7:   k13, yrn, k1, yrn, k6, yrn, k1, yrn, k22, yrn, k1, yrn, k6, yrn, k1, yrn, k13

Row 8:   k4, p10, k1,p8, k1, p24, k1, p8, k1,p10, k4  

Row 9:   k13, yrn, k3, yrn, k6, yrn, k3, yrn, k22, yrn, k3, yrn, k6, yrn, k3, yrn, k13

Row 10: k4, p10, k3,p8, k3, p24, k3, p8, k3,p10, k4

Row 11:  k13, yrn, k5, yrn, k6, yrn, k5, yrn, k22, yrn, k5, yrn, k6, yrn, k5, yrn, k13

Row 12:  k4, p10, k5,p8, k5, p24, k5, p8, k5,p10, k4

Row 13:  k13, yrn, k7, yrn, k6, yrn, k7, yrn, k22, yrn, k7, yrn, k6, yrn, k7, yrn, k13

Row 14:  k4, p10, k7,p8, k7, p24, k7, p8, k7,p10, k4

Row 15:  K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole) k13, yrn, k1, yrn, k14, yrn, k1, yrn, k30, yrn, k1, yrn, k14, yrn, k1, yrn, k17

Row 16:  k4, p14, k1,p16, k1, p32, k1, p16, k1,p14, k4

Row 17: k17, yrn, k3, yrn, k14, yrn, k3, yrn, k30, yrn, k3, yrn, k14, yrn, k3, yrn, k17

Row 18: k4, p14, k3, p16, k3, p32, k3, p16, k3,p14, k4

Row 19:  k17, yrn, k5, yrn, k14, yrn, k5, yrn, k30, yrn, k5, yrn, k14, yrn, k5, yrn, k17

Row 20: k4, p14, k5, p16, k5, p32, k5, p16, k5,p14, k4

Row 21:  k17, yrn, k7, yrn, k14, yrn, k7, yrn, k30, yrn, k7, yrn, k14, yrn, k7, yrn, k17

Row 22: k4, p14, k7, p16, k7, p32, k7, p16, k7,p14, k4

Row 23:  k21, yrn, k1, yrn, k22, yrn, k1, yrn, k38, yrn, k1, yrn, k22, yrn, k1, yrn, k21

Row 24: k4, p18, k1,p24, k1, p40, k1, p24, k1,p18, k4

Row 25:  k21, yrn, k3, yrn, k22, yrn, k3, yrn, k38, yrn, k3, yrn, k22, yrn, k3, yrn, k21

Row 26:  k4, p18, k3,p24, k3, p40, k3, p24, k3,p18, k4

Row 27:  K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole) k17, yrn, k5, yrn, k22, yrn, k5, yrn, k38, yrn, k5, yrn, k22, yrn, k5 yrn, k21

Row 28:  k4, p18, k5,p24, k5, p40, k5, p24, k5,p18, k4

Row 29:  K24, slip next 30sts onto a stitch holder, k44, slip next 30sts onto a stitch holder, k24           

Row 30:  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4                 (92sts)  **

Row 31         Knit

Row 32         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last two rows 3 times more
Row 39         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 40         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4   Row 41         Knit

Row 42         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last two rows 4 times more
Row 51         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 52         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4        Row 53         Knit

Row 54         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last two rows three times more
Row 61         Knit

 Row 62         Knit
Row 63         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 64         Knit
Row 65         Knit
Cast off
Long Sleeves ~ Both Alike   Put the 30sts, left on a stitch holder, back on to a knitting needle. Rejoin yarn. With right side facing –

Row 1           Knit into front & back of first st,  knit to last st,  knit into front & back of last st

Row 2           S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 3              S1, knit to end of row

Row 4              S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat last two rows until 4” (10cm) have been worked from armhole, ending after completing a wrong side row With right side facing –

Knit 5 rows

Cast off

Make the second sleeve in the same way Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarms Darn away ends, sew on buttons


Using DK yarn and 4mm needles 

Cast on 75sts  

Row 1           Knit
Row 2           Knit
Row 3           K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4          Knit  

Row 5           K10, * kfb, k12, repeat from * to end             (80sts)
Row 6           K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 7           K16, yrn, k1, yrn, k8, yrn, k1, yrn, k28, yrn, k1, yrn, k8, yrn, k1, yrn, k16

Row 8           K5, p12, k1, p10, k1, p30, k1, p10, k1, p12 , k5  
Row 9           K16, yrn, k3, yrn, k8, yrn, k3, yrn, k28, yrn, k3, yrn, k8, yrn, k3, yrn, k16

Row 10         K5, p12, k3, p10, k3, p30, k3, p10, k3, p12 , k5
Row 11         K16, yrn, k5, yrn, k8, yrn, k5, yrn, k28, yrn, k5, yrn, k8, yrn, k5, yrn, k16

Row 12         K5, p12, k5, p10, k5, p30, k5, p10, k5, p12 , k5  
Row 13         K16, yrn, k7, yrn, k8, yrn, k7, yrn, k28, yrn, k7, yrn, k8, yrn, k7, yrn, k16

Row 14         K5, p12, k7, p10, k7, p30, k7, p10, k7, p12 , k5

Row 15         K20, yrn, k1, yrn, k16, yrn, k1, yrn, k36, yrn, k1, yrn, k16, yrn, k1, yrn, k20

Row 16         K5, p16, k1, p18, k1, p38, k1, p18, k1, p16 , k5

Row 17         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole) K16, yrn, k3, yrn, k16, yrn, k3, yrn, k36, yrn, k3, yrn, k16, yrn, k3, yrn, k20

Row 18         K5, p16, k3, p18, k3, p38, k3, p18, k3, p16 , k5

Row 19         K20, yrn, k5, yrn, k16, yrn, k5, yrn, k36, yrn, k5, yrn, k16, yrn, k5, yrn, k20

Row 20         K5, p16, k5, p18, k5, p38, k5, p18, k5, p16 , k5  

Row 21         K20, yrn, k7, yrn, k16, yrn, k7, yrn, k36, yrn, k7, yrn, k16, yrn, k7, yrn, k20

Row 22         K5, p16, k7, p18, k7, p38, k7, p18, k7, p16 , k5  

Row 23         K20, yrn, k9, yrn, k16, yrn, k9, yrn, k36, yrn, k9, yrn, k16, yrn, k9, yrn, k20

Row 24         K5, p16, k9, p18, k9, p38, k9, p18, k9, p16 , k5  

Row 25         K25, yrn, k1, yrn, k26, yrn, k1, yrn, k46, yrn, k1, yrn, k26, yrn, k1, yrn, k25

Row 26         K5, p21, k1, p28, k1, p48, k1, p28 k1, p21, k5  

Row 27         K25, yrn, k3, yrn, k26, yrn, k3, yrn, k46, yrn, k3, yrn, k26, yrn, k3, yrn, k25

Row 28         K5, p21, k3, p28, k3, p48, k3, p28 k3, p21, k5

Row 29         K25, yrn, k5, yrn, k26, yrn, k5, yrn, k46, yrn, k5, yrn, k26, yrn, k5, yrn, k25  

Row 30         K5, p21, k5, p28, k5, p48, k5, p28 k5, p21, k5

Row 31         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), K21, yrn, k7, yrn, k26, yrn, k7, yrn, k46, yrn, k7, yrn, k26, yrn, k7, yrn, k25

Row 32         K5, p21, k7, p28, k7, p48, k7, p28 k7, p21, k5  

Row 33         K25, yrn, k9, yrn, k26, yrn, k9, yrn, k46, yrn, k9, yrn, k26, yrn, k9, yrn, k25

Row 34         K5, p21, k9, p28, k9, p48, k9, p28 k9, p21, k5

Row 35         K30, slip next 38sts onto a stitch holder, k56, slip next 38sts onto a stitch holder, k30          

Row 36         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5       (116sts)  **

Row 37         Knit
Row 38         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5
Repeat last two rows 3 times more

Row 45         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Row 46         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 47         Knit
Row 48         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5
Repeat last two rows 5 times more

Row 59         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Row 60         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5
Row 61         Knit
Row 62         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5
Repeat last two rows 4 times more
Row 71         Knit
Row 72         Knit
Row 73         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Row 74         Knit
Row 75         Knit
Cast off  

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to 38sts of first sleeve

Row 1              Knit into front & back of first st, knit to last st,  knit into front & back of last st
Row 2              S1, purl to last st, k1
Row 3               S1, knit to end of row
Row 4              S1, purl to last st, k1
Row 5               S1, knit to end of row
Row 6              S1, purl to last st, k1
Row 7               S1, k2tog, knit to last 3sts, k2tog, k1              (38sts)
Row 8              S1, purl to last st, k1
Row 9              S1, knit to end of row
Row 10            S1, purl to last st, k1
Row 11            S1, knit to end of row
Row 12            S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 6 rows 5 times more                                         (28sts)
Knit 5 rows
Cast off

Make the second sleeve in the same way Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarms Darn away ends. Sew on buttons




DK (8ply) yarn
6 buttons

Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 86sts          

Knit 4 rows

Row 5            K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 6          Knit

Row 7           K12, * kfb, k11, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2            (92sts)

Row 8           K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 9:              k18, yrn, k1, yrn, k10, yrn, k1, yrn, k32, yrn, k1, yrn, k10, yrn, k1, yrn, k18

Row 10:            k5, p14, k1,p12, k1, p34, k1, p12, k1,p14, k5

Row 11:            k18, yrn, k3, yrn, k10, yrn, k3, yrn, k32, yrn, k3, yrn, k10, yrn, k3, yrn, k18

Row 12:            k5, p14, k3,p12, k3, p34, k3, p12, k3,p14, k5

Row 13:            k18, yrn, k5, yrn, k10, yrn, k5, yrn, k32, yrn, k5, yrn, k10, yrn, k5, yrn, k18

Row 14:            k5, p14, k5,p12, k5, p34, k5, p12, k5,p14, k5

Row 15:           k18, yrn, k7, yrn, k10, yrn, k7, yrn, k32, yrn, k7, yrn, k10, yrn, k7, yrn, k18

Row 16:           k5, p14, k7,p12, k7, p34, k7, p12, k7,p14, k5

Row 17:            k18, yrn, k9, yrn, k10, yrn, k9, yrn, k32, yrn, k9, yrn, k10, yrn, k9, yrn, k18

Row 18:           k5, p14, k9,p12, k9, p34, k9, p12, k9,p14, k5

Row 19:            k23, yrn, k1, yrn, k20, yrn, k1, yrn, k42, yrn, k1, yrn, k20, yrn, k1, yrn, k23

Row 20:            k5, p19, k1,p22, k1, p44, k1, p22, k1,p19, k5

Row 21:            k2 yrn k2tog (buttonhole), k19, yrn, k3, yrn, k20, yrn, k3, yrn, k42, yrn, k3, yrn, k20, yrn, k3, yrn, k23

Row 22:            k5, p19, k3,p22, k3, p44, k3, p22, k3,p19, k5

Row 23:            k23, yrn, k5, yrn, k20, yrn, k5, yrn, k42, yrn, k5, yrn, k20, yrn, k5, yrn, k23

Row 24:            k5, p19, k5,p22, k5, p44, k5, p22, k5,p19, k5

Row 25:            k23, yrn, k7, yrn, k20, yrn, k7, yrn, k42, yrn, k7, yrn, k20, yrn, k7, yrn, k23

Row 26:            k5, p19, k7,p22, k7, p44, k7, p22, k7,p19, k5

Row 27:            k23, yrn, k9, yrn, k20, yrn, k9, yrn, k42, yrn, k9, yrn, k20, yrn, k9, yrn, k23

Row 28:            k5, p19, k9,p22, k9, p44, k9, p22, k9,p19, k5

Row 29:            k28, yrn, k1, yrn, k30, yrn, k1, yrn, k52, yrn, k1, yrn, k30, yrn, k1, yrn, k28

Row 30:            k5, p24, k1,p32, k1, p54, k1, p32, k1,p24, k5

Row 31:            k28, yrn, k3, yrn, k30, yrn, k3, yrn, k52, yrn, k3, yrn, k30, yrn, k3, yrn, k28

Row 32:            k5, p24, k3,p32, k3, p54, k3, p32, k3,p24, k5

Row 33:            k28, yrn, k5, yrn, k30, yrn, k5, yrn, k52, yrn, k5, yrn, k30, yrn, k5, yrn, k28

Row 34:            k5, p24, k5,p32, k5, p54, k5, p32, k5,p24, k5

Row 35:            k28, yrn, k7, yrn, k30, yrn, k7, yrn, k52, yrn, k7, yrn, k30, yrn, k7, yrn, k28

Row 36:            k5, p24, k7,p32, k7, p54, k7, p32, k7,p24, k5

Row 37:            k2, yrn, k2tog (buttonhole) k24, yrn, k9, yrn, k30, yrn, k9, yrn, k52, yrn, k9, yrn, k30, yrn, k9, yrn, k28

Row 38:            k5, p24, k9,p32, k9, p54, k9, p32, k9,p24, k5
Row 39         K33, slip next 42sts onto a stitch holder, k62, slip next 42sts onto a stitch holder, k33

Row 40         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5       (128sts)  **

Row 41         Knit

Row 42         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Repeat last two rows 5 times more

Row 53         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 54         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 55         Knit

Row 56         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Repeat last two rows 6 times more

Row 69         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 70         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 71         Knit

Row 72         K5, purl to last 5sts, k5


Repeat last two rows 5 times more

Row 83         Knit

Row 84         Knit

Row 85         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Knit 4 rows

Cast off



With right side facing, rejoin yarn to 42sts of first sleeve

Row 1              Knit into front & back of first st, knit to last st,  knit into front & back of last st

Row 2              S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 3               S1, knit to end of row

Row 4              S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 5               S1, knit to end of row

Row 6              S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 7               S1, knit to end of row

Row 8              S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 9              S1, k2tog, knit to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                       (42sts)

Row 10            S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 11            S1, knit to end of row

Row 12            S1, purl to last st, k

Row 13            S1, knit to end of row

Row 14            S1, purl to last st, k1

Row 15            S1, knit to end of row

Row 16            S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat the last 8 rows 4 times more                                                 (34sts)

Knit 7 rows

Cast off


Make the second sleeve in the same way

Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarm

Darn away ends

Sew on buttons


Instead of yrn you  can m1 left and m1 right, the pattern will be without holes.

Also, in the purl rows you can knit stitches that were yrn in the previous row – it will be slightly different  ........
I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.  
However, please do not copy my patterns
Copyright © 2017 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.