Sunday 12 July 2015

Top Down All-in-One Romper Suits

All-in-One Top Down Romper Suits - so sweet ! 

All-in-One lazy Daisy Romper Suit

All-in-One Lazy Daisy Romper Suit         

Worked from the neck downwards            
      ·Cast off loosely for the cap sleeves – if you find this difficult – use a larger needle

      ·m1 (make 1) – I do this by knitting into the front & back of a stitch – some knitters pick up the bar of yarn from the previous row – either way will be OK
      ·yfwd – yarn forward seems to be a very UK term – you may know this as yo (yarn over) or yrn (yarn round needle) - this makes the buttonholes and also the little eyelet holes on the yoke

All-in-One Lazy Daisy Romper Suit                        Newborn

Width - 15½"
Length - 12"


Yarn  –  DK  (or any yarn that knits to a tension/gauge of 22sts = 4”/10cm)
Needles  – 4mm throughout
Small buttons

Cast on 57sts

Rows 1 & 2        Knit
Row 3                K2, yfwd, k2 tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Rows 4 & 5        Knit
Row 6                K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 7                Knit
Row 8                K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 9                K8, *(yfwd, k1, yfwd, k4) rep from * to last 4sts,k4                                75sts
Row 10              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 11              Knit
Row 12              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 13              K8, *(yfwd, k3, yfwd, k4) rep from * to last 4sts, k4                               93sts
Row 14              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 15              K2, yfwd, k2 tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Row 16              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 17              K8, *(yfwd, k5, yfwd, k4) rep from * to last 4sts, k4                              111sts
Rows 18, 19, 20      As rows 10, 11, 12
Rows 21, 22, 23, 24  Knit
Row 25              K18, cast off 20sts, k34, cast off 20sts, k17
Row 26              Knit                                                                                                       71sts
Row 27              K2, yfwd, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), (k2, m1) 15 times, k3, m1, (k2, m1) 14 times, k6 
OR You can do it this way ~ K2, yfwd, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), (k1, kfb) 15 times, k2, kfb, (k1, kfb) 14 times, k6

Row 28              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4                                                                        101sts
Row 29              Knit
Row 30              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last 2 rows until work measures at least 10½" from cast on edge, making further buttonholes on the 39th row, and every following 12 rows

Divide for legs 

Row 1       Knit 51sts, 
and work on these stitches only for the first leg ~
                 (put the remaining 50 stitches onto a stitch holder if you like)
Row 2       Purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       49sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      47sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       45sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      43sts
Rows 7 – 13      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off  

Rejoin yarn to remaining 50sts for the second leg ~

Row 1       Kfb, knit to end                                                              51sts

Row 2       K4, purl to end
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        49sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       47sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        45sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       43sts
Rows 7 – 13      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off 

Sew up leg seams
Darn away ends          
Sew on buttons
This beautiful little romper , hat & booties were knitted by Pauline Cook

All-in-One Lazy Daisy Premature Romper Suit                        Large Premature

Width 14",  
Length  11"

DK yarn
4mm needles
Small buttons

Cast on 55sts
Rows 1 & 2             Knit
Row 3                     K2, yfwd, k2tog, knit to end of row
Rows 4 & 5             Knit
Row 6                     K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 7                     Knit
Row 8                     K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 9                     K7, *(yfwd, k1, yfwd, k4) rep from * to last 3sts,k3                          73sts
Row 10                   K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 11                   Knit
Row 12                   K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 13                   K7, *(yfwd, k3, yfwd, k4) rep from * to last 3sts, k3                                  91sts
Row 14                   K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 15                   K2, yfwd, k2tog, knit to end of row
Row 16                   K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 17                   K7, *(yfwd, k5, yfwd, k4) rep from * to last 3sts, k3                          109sts
Rows 18, 19, 20     As rows 10, 11, 12
Rows 21 22, 23 & 24        Knit
Row 25                   K18, cast off 19sts, k34, cast off 19sts, k17
Row 26                   Knit                                                                                                    71sts
Row 27                   K2, yfwd, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), (k3, m1) to last 7sts, k7   
OR you can do it this way ~ K2, yfwd, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), (k2, kfb) to last 7sts, k7   
Row 28                   K4, purl to last 4sts, k4                                                                        91sts
Row 29                   Knit
Row 30                   K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last 2 rows until work measures  at least 9½" from cast on edge, making further buttonholes on the 39th row, and every following 12 rows

Divide for legs 

Row 1       Knit 46sts, 
and work on these stitches only for the first leg ~
                 (put the remaining 45 stitches onto a stitch holder if you like)
Row 2       Purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       44sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      42sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       40sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      38sts
Rows 7 – 11      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off  

Rejoin yarn to remaining 45sts for the second leg ~

Row 1       Kfb, knit to end                                                              46sts

Row 2       K4, purl to end
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        44sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       42sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        40sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       38sts
Rows 7 – 11      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off 

Sew up leg seams
Darn away ends          
Sew on buttons

All-in-One Lazy Daisy Premature Romper Suit                        Medium Premature

Medium Preemie Romper

Width 12½"  
Length 9½"

DK yarn
4mm needles
Small buttons

Cast on 47sts

Rows 1 & 2            Knit
Row 3                    K2, yfwd, k2 tog (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Rows 4 & 5            Knit
Row 6                    K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 7                    Knit
Row 8                    K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 9                    K7, *(yfwd, k1, yfwd, k3) rep from * to last 4sts,k4                   65sts    
Row 10                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 11                  Knit
Row 12                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 13                  K7, *(yfwd, k3, yfwd, k3) rep from * to last 4sts, k4                    83sts
Rows 14, 15, 16    As rows 10, 11, 12
Row 17                  K2, yfwd, k2 tog (makes a buttonhole), k3, *(yfwd, k5, yfwd, k3) rep from * to last 4sts, k4        101sts
Rows 18, 19, 20    As rows 10, 11, 12
Rows 21, 22, 23, 24, 25        Knit
Row 26                  K16, cast off 19sts, k30, cast off 19sts, k15                                 63sts
Row 27                  K3, (k3, m1) to last 6sts, k6   
OR you can do it this way ~  K3, (k2, kfb) to last 6sts, k6

Row 28                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4                                                                81sts
Row 29                  Knit
Row 30                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last 2 rows 18 times more, making further buttonholes on the 31st, 45th & 59th rows

Divide for legs 

Row 1       Knit 41sts, 
and work on these stitches only for the first leg ~
                 (put the remaining 40 stitches onto a stitch holder if you like)
Row 2       Purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       39sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      37sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       35sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      33sts
Rows 7 – 11      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off  

Rejoin yarn to remaining 40sts for the second leg ~

Row 1       Kfb, knit to end                                                              41sts

Row 2       K4, purl to end
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        39sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       37sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        35sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       33sts
Rows 7 – 11      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off 

Sew up leg seams
Darn away ends          
Sew on buttons

All-in-One Lazy Daisy Premature Romper Suit                        Small Premature

Width 11"  
Length  8" 

DK yarn
4mm needles
Small buttons

Cast on 37sts

Rows 1 & 2            Knit
Row 3                    K2, yfwd, k2 tog (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Rows 4 & 5            Knit
Row 6                    K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 7                    Knit
Row 8                    K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 9                    K6, *(yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2) rep from * to last 4sts,k4                   55sts          
Row 10                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 11                  Knit
Row 12                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 13                  K6, *(yfwd, k3, yfwd, k2) rep from * to last 4sts, k4                  
Rows 14, 15, 16     As rows 10, 11, 12
Row 17                  K6, *(yfwd, k5, yfwd, k2) rep from * to last 4sts, k4                   91sts
Row 18                   K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Rows 19                K2, yfwd, k2 tog (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row
Row 20                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Rows 21, 22, 23 &24        Knit
Row 25                  K14, cast off 18sts, k26, cast off 18sts, k13
Row 26                  Knit                                                                                        55sts
Row 27                  K4, (k3, m1) to last 6sts, k6   
OR you can do it this way ~  K4, (k2, kfb) to last 6sts, k6

Row 28                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4                                                          70sts
Row 29                  Knit
Row 30                  K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Repeat last 2 rows 13 times more, making further buttonholes on the 35th & 51st rows

Divide for legs 

Row 1       Knit 35sts, 
and work on these stitches only for the first leg ~
                 (put the remaining 35stitches onto a stitch holder if you like)
Row 2       Purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       33sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      31sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                       29sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                      27sts
Rows 7 – 11      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off  

Rejoin yarn to remaining 35sts for the second leg ~

Row 1       Knit to end                                                             

Row 2       K4, purl to end
Row 3       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        33sts
Row 4       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       31sts
Row 5       K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog                                        29sts
Row 6       P2tog, purl to last 2sts, p2tog                                       27sts
Rows 7 – 11      Knit (or work k1, p1 rib)
Cast off 

Sew up leg seams
Darn away ends          
Sew on buttons

You can make a romper of any size -
Just follow the instructions for the baby top of the size you want ....... keep knitting until the length is long enough (this might be the difficult bit - but you can probably judge it by eye ....) - then divide the number of stitches you have in half (2 even amounts) - and complete each separately decreasing one stitch at each end of every row for a few rows - then finish with a rib or garter stitch border.

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2015 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website. 


  1. That is gorgeous. You are so clever to design this and so generous to share it with us.

  2. Thank you so much for this latest beauty, as always, so generous of you

  3. I love it, thanks so much!!

  4. Adorable pattern. How many yards are needed?

  5. This is adorable! what a great idea. I need to make one :-)

  6. Oh Marianna! how do I love you? Thank you!

  7. Three cheers for marrianna, hip, hip hooray. Yet another brilliant design.

  8. Hi marrianna
    I've just read through your pattern for the romper and I'm wondering if there's a mistake?
    When you get to - 'Divide for legs', the pattern says 'Work on the first 51sts (put the remaining 51stitches onto a stitch holder)'.
    Further down the pattern says - 'Rejoin yarn to remaining 50sts' .
    There a difference of 1 stitch. Am I right?

    1. My pattern says ~
      Increase one stitch at the end of the last row 102sts
      Divide for legs
      Hope this helps M

  9. Marianna thank you for this pattern again. Can I ask I don't want to be a pest, I have been trying to get added to your Facebook page for a while now and I don't know if because my name is in Urdu you have blocked me for thinking I may be a spammer? Its just I know via my boss and friends (who use your patterns as I do to donate to the local hospitals) that there are other variations and people with different ideas for your items and also some of their own creations. I don't want to be annoying but I would very much love to be part of your Facebook community. Kathryn :)

    1. Sorry Katmurray - please try again ...... I will look out for you .... :)

    2. It won't let me search for your group anymore...

  10. Hi Marrianna, I started your Romper as soon as I saw it. My question, I have not seen a real baby for 37 years, but in the instructions you say to knit body till it measures 11 1/2 ", from the top. This looks sooooo long, Most babies seem to be pretty bunched up around the legs for awhile. Is this lenght really correct?? I trust you if you say yes. Maybe my tape measure is defective. Thanks again for your beautiful patterns, I am hooked on all of them.

    1. I only have a doll to go by - so in truth I am not sure ........ you may very well be right!
      I really hope someone with a real baby knits this and lets us know!! ..........

    2. I have just looked it up. It says a baby of 1 -3 months measures roughly 9 " from neck to hip.

    3. I believe the diaper would take up the extra couple inches instead of stretching out the fabric.

  11. Awe this awesome and so beautiful. Thank you so much. I love your patterns. They are easy and quick to knit. I use them for my charity project for premature babies. We have handed out 180 going home parcels to Moms with premature babies yesterday

  12. I'm making this in the round and think it's going to be cute!

    1. How did turn out in the round? Do you have instructions that will help me?

  13. Thank you for this lovely little pattern, but I'm a bit stuck: row 25: I have 111 stitches - the instructions read knit 18, cast off 20, knit 34, vast off 20, knit 17 - those stitches equal 109
    I can't see where I've gone wrong? Please can you help?

    1. Cath the stitch from your last cast off doesn't start your next knit section. The last stitch from your cast off isn't included in the pattern. So basically you knit the 18 stitches and then cast off 20, but you would have 19 stitches on the right needle then you would work your knit 34 stitches etc. I hope that helps

    2. Thank you so much, been wondering what to make for my nephew's first child coming in August!

  14. Simply gorgeous! Thanks to you both for sharing!

  15. Just love this pattern. It knits up quickly and our charity group for prem babies are loving it too. We are knitting up a storm

  16. Hi, Marianna please need to know at what row do you make the color change, ,, thanks for this beautiful pattern I love it so much

    1. Hi, did you work out which row to change colour on? I'm knitting this at the minute.

    2. I did the color change at row 29.

  17. This was the first one of your patterns I done I was that pleased with it I looked up more of your patterns and omg they are all gorgeous I'm now working through them all.
    Thank you for your kindness and sharing your lovely work x

  18. I made this romper for my niece due in December. It turned out super cute and was really easy!

  19. I have been knitting for over 40 years and I have just completed this delightful suit. It really is the most beautiful item I have knitted to date. Thank you. x

  20. Hi I'm knitting this at the minute and love it, can someone tell me, on which row do I change the colour of yarn?

  21. Help I am stuck on row 27, new at this. Do you really do (k2,kfb) 15 times need help

    1. hi,Anna Colonese...... if you are making your M1 stitch by KFB you dont k2 m1 k1 then on the 2nd stitch you kfb.....same when it says K3 KFB on the 3rd stitch....thats how i did it you end up with the correct amount of make it a little easier i did the button hole then i counted out 2 stitches 15 times and (30 stitches)and marked them off at the end with a marker,then just K1,KFB until i had completed the 30 stitches....hope ive explained this so you can understand it.. new too knitting too.

  22. Do u have a larger pattern??

  23. Can't wait to start this pattern!!! Thanks so much. Will let you know how it turns out

  24. Hi if I used a size 3mm instead would it fit a baby born doll please x

  25. Hi, I'm new to knitting but have managed to make several of you patterns, you make it so easy to understand so thank you, I would like to know if this pattern could be made with long legs as I'm knitting for a winter baby or do you have such a pattern.
    many thanks

    many thanks

  26. Hi, I love this pattern, but as I don't have a baby as a model, I am stuck as to how long to make the romper before dividing for the legs. I want to make a three month size. Could anyone help please?

  27. Hi I would love to make this is a newborn size, as a beginner knitter I can't work this out on my own? Any chance of this pattern in a bigger size please???? I do love your patterns I would never of knitted without your patterns!

  28. Beautifully dressed, Fantastic photos A great post!!!
    Sasha Romper

  29. Does this pattern come in size 0-3 months Coral

  30. I am knitting for gr gr grandbabies and will try some of your lovely patterns. Thanks for sharing. At 91 it keeps my fingers moving and my mind stretching to stay alert and happy.

  31. GD I really love your patterns if you go through them they look difficult but get started it's the easiest knitting and there's a size for every one keep up the good work you rock

  32. I love it. Thank you so much

  33. You are a star beautiful wee pattern and so bonnie keep creating.

  34. I have knitted so many of these, both the dress and the rompers. As I don't like the sewing up part this pattern is perfect... All done in different colours thankyou

  35. Where do I find the hat pattern

