Sunday 27 April 2014

Denim Blue Baby Cardigan Jacket - Boy or Girl

Yesterday I posted the pattern instructions for a cute little jacket for a Teddy or Doll. The design is certainly really cute in a tiny size -
but the more I looked at it - the more I realized that it would look great in bigger sizes too.
So today I wrote the instructions for premature, newborn and 3month baby sizes.
Top-down baby jacket for a boy or girl
This jacket is made top-down in Aran weight yarn. 18sts = 4” (10cm)
It's quick to make ~ and perfect for either a boy or girl.

Denim Blue Aran Baby Jacket          Premature Baby
Width:             14” (35.5cm)
Length:            7 ½ ” (19cm)
Sleeve seam:    4” (10cm)
Tension/ Gauge:  18sts = 4” (10cm)

Using  4mm needles cast on 48 stitches
1st Row:  S1, knit to end
Repeat 1st row twice more
4th Row:  S1, knit to last 4sts, k2tog, yrn (makes a buttonhole), k2
5th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next 2sts, k7, inc in next 2sts, k11, inc in next 2sts, k7,  inc in next 2sts, k8
6th Row:  S1, knit to end
Change to 5mm needles
7th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k11, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k8
8th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
9th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k11, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k8
10th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
11th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k11, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k8
12th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
13th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k11, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k8
14th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
15th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k11, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k8
16th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
17th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k11, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k8
18th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
19th Row:  S1, k6, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k11, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k7, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k8
20th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4 (112 sts)
Divide Row:  S1, k16, slip next 24sts onto a spare needle, k30, slip next 24sts onto a spare needle, k17
Next Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4            (64sts)
Next Row:  S1, knit to end
Repeat last two rows until work measures 3 ½ “ (9cm) from the divide row, ending after a knit row.
Knit 4 more rows
Cast off loosely
Using 5mm needles and with wrong side facing, rejoin yarn to 24sts of first sleeve
1st Row:    K1, purl to last st, k1
2nd Row:   S1, knit to end of row
3rd Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
4th Row:   S1, k2tog, knit to last 3sts, k2tog, k1          (22sts)
5th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
6th Row:   S1, knit to end of row
7th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 4 rows twice more                            (18sts)
16th Row:   S1, knit to end of row
17th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
 Change to 4mm needles
Knit 5 rows
Cast off
Make the second sleeve in the same way
Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarms
Darn away ends
Sew on a button          J

Denim Blue Aran Baby Jacket          Newborn Baby
Width:             16” (40.5cm)
Length:            8”   (20cm)
Sleeve seam:   4” (10cm)
Tension/ Gauge:  18sts = 4” (10cm)

Using 4mm needles cast on 60 stitches
1st Row:  S1, knit to end
Repeat 1st row twice more
4th Row:  S1, knit to last 4sts, k2tog, yrn (makes a buttonhole), k2
5th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next 2sts, k9, inc in next 2sts, k15, inc in next 2sts, k9,  inc in next 2sts, k10
6th Row:  S1, knit to end
Change to 5mm needles
7th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k15, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k10
8th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
9th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k15, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k10
10th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
11th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k15, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k10
12th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
13th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k15, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k10
14th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
15th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k15, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10
16th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
17th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k15, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k10
18th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4
19th Row:  S1, k8, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k15, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k9, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k10
20th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4             (124sts)
Divide Row:  S1, k18, slip next 26sts onto a spare needle, k34, slip next 26sts onto a spare needle, k19
Next Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4            (72sts)
Next Row:  S1, knit to end
Repeat last two rows until work measures 4“ (10cm) from the divide row, ending after a knit row.
Knit 4 more rows
Cast off loosely
Using 5mm needles and with wrong side facing, rejoin yarn to 26sts of first sleeve
1st Row:    K1, purl to last st, k1
2nd Row:   S1, knit to end of row
3rd Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
4th Row:   S1, k2tog, knit to last 3sts, k2tog, k1          (24sts)
5th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
6th Row:   S1, knit to end of row
7th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 4 rows twice more                            (20sts)
16th Row:   S1, knit to end of row
17th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1
 Change to 4mm needles
Knit 5 rows
Cast off
Make the second sleeve in the same way

Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarms
Darn away ends
Sew on a button          J

Blue Aran Baby Jacket          3-6 months  Baby

Width:             18” (46cm)
Length:            10 ” (25cm)
Sleeve seam:   5 ” (12.5cm)


Tension/ Gauge:  18sts = 4” (10cm)

Using 4mm needles cast on 74 stitches

1st Row:  S1, knit to end

Repeat 1st row twice more

4th Row:  S1, knit to last 4sts, k2tog, yrn (makes a buttonhole), k2

Repeat 1st row twice more

Change to 5mm needles

7th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k11

8th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

9th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k11

10th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

11th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k11

12th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

13th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k11

14th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

15th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k11

16th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

17th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k11

18th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

19th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k11

20th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

21st Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k11

22nd Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4            

23rd Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k11

24th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4


Divide Row:  S1, k21, slip next 31sts onto a spare needle, k40, slip next 31sts onto a spare needle, k22

Next Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4            (84sts)

Next Row:  S1, knit to end

Repeat last two rows until work measures 4 ½ “ (11.5cm) from the divide row, ending after a knit row.

Knit 6 more rows

Cast off loosely



Using 5mm needles and with wrong side facing, rejoin yarn to 31sts of first sleeve

1st Row:    K1, purl to last st, k1

2nd Row:   S1, knit to end of row

3rd Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

4th Row:   S1, k2tog, knit to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                      (29sts)

5th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

6th Row:   S1, knit to end of row

7th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat the last 4 rows three times more                              (23sts)

Next Row:   S1, knit to end of row

Next Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

Change to 4mm needles

Knit 7 rows

Cast off

Make the second sleeve in the same way

Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarms

Darn away ends

Sew on a button

Perfect Boy or Girl Aran Baby Jacket                      9 months  Baby


Width:             19” (48cm)

Length:            11”   (28cm)

Sleeve seam:   6” (15.5cm)



Tension/ Gauge:  18sts = 4” (10cm)


Using 4mm needles cast on 74 stitches

1st Row:  S1, knit to end

Repeat 1st row twice more

4th Row:  S1, knit to last 4sts, k2tog, yrn (makes a buttonhole), k2

Repeat 1st row twice more

Change to 5mm needles

7th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k2, inc in next st, k11

8th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

9th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k4, inc in next st, k11

10th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

11th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k11

12th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

13th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k8, inc in next st, k11

14th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

15th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k11

16th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

17th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k12, inc in next st, k11

18th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

19th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k14, inc in next st, k11

20th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

21st Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k16, inc in next st, k11

22nd Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4            

23rd Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k18, inc in next st, k11

24th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4

25th Row:  S1, k9, inc in next st, k20, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k20, inc in next st, k17, inc in next st, k20, inc in next st, k10, inc in next st, k20, inc in next st, k11

26th Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4


Divide Row:  S1, k22, slip next 33sts onto a spare needle, k42, slip next 33sts onto a spare needle, k23

Next Row:  S1, k3, purl to last 4sts, k4            (88sts)

Next Row:  S1, knit to end

Repeat last two rows until work measures 5 ½ “ (14cm) from the divide row, ending after a knit row.

Knit 6 more rows

Cast off loosely



Using 5mm needles,  

Rejoin yarn to 33sts of first sleeve

1st Row:   S1, knit to end of row

2nd Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat the last 2 rows twice more

7th Row:   S1, k2tog, knit to last 3sts, k2tog, k1                      (31sts)

8th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

9th Row:   S1, knit to end of row

10th Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

Repeat the last 4 rows four times more                                (23sts)

Next Row:   S1, knit to end of row

Next Row:   S1, purl to last st, k1

Knit 7 rows

Cast off

Make the second sleeve in the same way

Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarms

Darn away ends

Sew on a button



If you would like to make this baby jacket in DK weight yarn ~ you will find the instructions at ~

If you would like to make this baby jacket in chunky weight yarn ~ you will find the instructions at ~ 
* * * * *

Matching Hat
Aran Weight Yarn (10ply) Baby Hat

Tension/ Gauge:  18sts = 4” (10cm)

Size:               0 - 3 months

Width:           6½ “(16.5cm)   13” (33cm) all around 
Height:          6½ “(16.5cm)
Aran Weight (10ply) yarn
5mm needles
Using 4mm needles cast on 57sts
Knit 6 rows
Change to 5mm needles
7th Row:        S1, knit to end
8th Row:        S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 4½” (11.5cm) from the cast on edge

Shape the top ~
1st  Row:  (K6, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                     
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th  Rows:     S1, purl to last st, k1
3rd  Row:  (K5, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                   
5th  Row:  (K4, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                 
7th  Row:  (K3, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                   
9th  Row:  (K2, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                    
11th  Row (K1, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                    
12th  Row ( K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                          
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up), draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly.
Sew up the seam.  Darn away ends.
Size:               6 -9 months

Width:           7“(18cm)   14” (36cm) all around 
Height:          7 “(18cm)
Aran Weight (10ply) yarn
5mm needles
Using 4mm needles cast on 65sts
Knit 6 rows
Change to 5mm needles
7th Row:        S1, knit to end
8th Row:        S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 5” (13cm) from the cast on edge

Shape the top ~
1st  Row:  (K6, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                     57sts
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th  Rows:     S1, purl to last st, k1
3rd  Row:  (K5, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                   49sts
5th  Row:  (K4, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                   41sts
7th  Row:  (K3, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                   33sts
9th  Row:  (K2, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                    25sts
11th  Row (K1, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                    17sts
12th  Row ( K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                          9sts
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up), draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly.
Sew up the seam.  Darn away ends.
Size:               12 - 18 months

Width:           8“ (20cm)   16” (40.5cm) all around 
Height:          7½ “ (19cm)
Aran Weight (10ply) yarn
5mm needles
Using 4mm needles cast on 73sts
Knit 6 rows
Change to 5mm needles
7th Row:        S1, knit to end
8th Row:        S1, purl to last st, k1
Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 5½” (14cm) from the cast on edge

Shape the top ~
1st  Row:  (K6, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                     
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th  Rows:     S1, purl to last st, k1
3rd  Row:  (K5, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                  
5th  Row:  (K4, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                  
7th  Row:  (K3, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                  
9th  Row:  (K2, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                   
11th  Row (K1, K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                   
12th  Row ( K2tog) repeat to last st, k1                          
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up), draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly.
Sew up the seam.  Darn away ends.



  1. It's lovely Marianna, you are so clever being able to turn out these patterns so quickly and all of them are so very cute. :)

  2. Ooh thank you Marianna. I loved yesterday's Teddy's pattern and was wishing it was for a newborn. Today you have made my day! xox

  3. Hi Marianna, this is so adorable! Gorgeous color! Thanks for sharing!Have a wonderful rest of week and weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  4. Marianna, what does the term yrn mean, when making the buttonhole?

    1. Hello - yrn means yarn round needle - you k2 tog then the yrn makes a stitch to replace the one that is decreased by knitting 2 tog. The stitch count remains the same. You may know this as yo (yarn over) or yon (yarn over needle). Hope this helps. Marianna

    2. Thank you, I thought that was what was meant, but not sure. I love this pattern. Do you have any larger sizes? A friend's little boy is older baby, around 20 pounds now, and I would like to make him a bright blue sweater to match his cousin's bright pink 3 month size.

  5. Hi Marianna, I love your designs and am so grateful that you fer them for free ! I have problem printing them out !!! They come up with tiny print and as I am a senior, I hae trouble reading them. Can you help me please ???? Thank you so much !!!!!

    1. This senior makes sure to change font to larger, as needed. Usually, I do a copy/paste of patterns into my Word, and that way I can control the sizes of photos as well as size of font. Saves me paper and ink doing it that way.

  6. Hi Marianna, thank you so much for yet another free pattern and as usual so cute, here comes another one for my local SCBU

  7. Thank you very much for your pattern, need to keep finding simple, straight for ward patterns, to whi8le a way the boredom of a foot out of action !

  8. I needed a quick easy baby gift and this was perfect. I had some pink boucle soft baby yarn that was harder than heck to knit with but is turning out adorable. Thanks for sharing your pattern. I wish I could create my own but haven't been brave enough to try it. I can adapt and change stitch counts and make a seamed sweater seamless in the round. Glad to find someone else who likes seamless or nearly seamless knitting. I did the sleeves on DP needles in the round and picked up 3 extra stitches across the bottom so no seaming needed on your pattern. I decreased one of the 3 off and left 2 as hey it's a baby sweater doesn't need to be exact, LOL! Thank you for sharing.
