
Monday 10 February 2014

Nina Baby Jacket

Here is my latest little baby jacket.


NINA Baby Jacket          For a 0 - 3 month baby


DK yarn

4 1/2 mm needles

3 small buttons




Begin with the Sleeves (work 2)


Cast on 24sts

1st Row:  k3, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to end

2nd Row:  k3, *(p4, k3), repeat from * to end

These 2 rows form the pattern

Repeat these 2 rows 4 times more

11th Row:  k1, inc in next st, k1, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to last 7sts, (sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, inc in next st, k2                            (26sts)

12th Row:  k4, *(p4, k3), repeat from * to last st, k1

13th Row:  k4, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to last st, k1

14th Row:  As 12th row

15th Row:  As 13th row

16th Row:  As 12th row

17th Row:  k1, inc in next st, k2, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to   last 8sts, (sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k1, inc in next st, k2                 (28sts)

18th Row:  k5, *(p4, k3), repeat from * to last 2sts, k2

19th Row:  k5, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2

20th Row:  As 18th row

21st Row:  As 19th row

22nd Row:  As 18th row

23rd Row:  k1, inc in next st, k3, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to   last 9sts, (sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k2, inc in next st, k2                 (30sts)

24th Row:  k6, *(p4, k3), repeat from * to last 3sts, k3

25th Row:  k6, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3

26th Row:  As 24th row

27th Row:  As 25th row

28th Row:  As 24th row

29th Row:  As 25th row

30th Row:  As 24th row


The sleeve should now measure about 4” – you can add more rows if required

(If you make the sleeves longer than 4” you can turn up the cuff, and this allows room for growth)


Next Row:  (Right side) Cast off 3sts, work to last 3sts, cast off 3sts   (24sts)

Cut off yarn.

Leave these 24 stitches on a stitch holder or a spare needle


Work the Main Part

Cast on 96sts

Work in pattern as follows ~


1st Row:  k4, *(sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, psso the k1 and yo) twice, k3, repeat from * to last st, k1

2nd Row:  k4, *(p4, k3), repeat from * to last st, k1

These 2 rows form the pattern.

Repeat these 2 rows until the work measures 5”

Next Row: (Right Side) Work 22sts, cast off 6sts, work 39sts, cast off 6sts, work to end         

Next Row:  Knit 22sts from the first  front, 24sts from the first sleeve, 40sts from the back, 24sts from the second sleeve and 22sts from second front    (132 stitches)


Work the Yoke

1st Row:  Knit                     

2nd Row:  Knit

3rd  Row:  K1, k2tog, yfwd, (for buttonhole), k2, *(k2, k2tog), repeat from * to last 7sts, k7   (102sts)

Knit 3 rows

7th Row:  K5, *(k2tog, k7), repeat from * to last 7sts, k2tog, k5     (91sts)

Knit 3 rows

11th Row:  K8, *(k2tog, k7), repeat from * to last 2sts, k2                (82sts)

Knit 3 rows

15th Row:  K1, k2tog, yfwd, (for buttonhole), k5, *(k2tog, k6), repeat from * to last 2sts, k2  (73sts)

Knit 3 rows

19th Row:  K7, *(k2tog, k6), repeat from * to last 2sts, k2                (65sts)

Knit 3 rows

23rd  Row:  K7, *(k2tog, k6), repeat from * to last 2sts, k2              (58sts)

Knit 3 rows

27th Row:  K1, k2tog,  yfwd, (for buttonhole), knit to end of row

Knit 2 rows

Cast off


To Finish

Join sleeve and underarm seams

Darn away ends

Sew on buttons
  You will find my matching Nina Baby Hat on this link ~ 

 I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2014        ‘made by marianna’         All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.


  1. Very sweet little cardi - thanks for the pattern. Will be putting this on my to-do list. Most the the top down all-in-one cardi patterns I have only have short sleeves so this will be a great alternative. xox

    1. Glad you like my little cardi jacket Dorothy. Thank you.

    2. So easy to change short sleeves for long by working stocking stich to length required then doing a few rows of garter stitch usually 3 or 5 then cast off hope this helps

  2. I just love this! Thank you for sharing the pattern. You have such a lovely blog. I'll be following! ~Terri

  3. So sweet in both colors! I want to try these baby jackets with round increases, so thank you for sharing the instructions :-)

  4. What size needles do I use and home much yarn is required. Thanks for your help. just love the jacket.

    1. 4 1/2 mm needles Darlene. And I used less than a 100g ball

  5. Could you tell me what size this jacket is for. My granddaughter is 4 months she is 16 1/2 lbs. and 27 in. long. I don't want to make it is it will be to small. I would make the sleeves longer as you suggested but need to know if your pattern will be to small. Thanks

    1. Hello Debbie
      This little baby jacket is for a 0-3 month baby, so I think it will probably be too small for you to make for your granddaughter. Sorry
      Thank you for your question. I hadn't realized that I didn't say the size on the instructions, I will edit the post. Marianna

  6. Such a sweet little sweater. Am anxious to try it! Thanks so much for the pattern.

  7. I'm on the very last line of the main part when reading pattern and I don't know how to go about it, could you explain please?

  8. What is the gauge? I don't see it mentioned anywhere. My tension can be all over the place so how would I know before knitting a good deal of this if it is going to come out the right size?

  9. Could this sweater be made in a larger size by increasing the number of stitches and number of rows??? Or am I way off an will be upset with myself??

  10. This jacket is absolutely adorable. I would love if you could add larger size options, 6 mos, 12 mos, 18 mos? Or something like that... like some patterns are. It is SO cute, and I'm not knowledgeable enough to know how to adjust to larger sizes.

  11. Help has anyone else had problems with this pattern. Ist row dos,nt work out i seem to have stiches left. 2nd row is fine. So wanted to do this pattern. Please help.

  12. Please can i get a reply to my comment reg help with 1st row of pattern. I so want to knit this jacket. Thank you

    1. Hope its ok for me to reply to Mary's question...I haven't knit this yet but reading he pattern it means to do the following...It says to pass the slip stitch over the k1 and the yo....never done that before but that is what it says... So you slip one stitch purl wise, k1, put yarn over the needle(to make a stitch) then pass your slip stitch over both the k1 and the yarn over needle( dropping it-not putting it back on the needle or you will have too many stitches)....do that twice then k3. Hope that helps you Mary and hope I am correct...:)
      Posted below then realised I could attach it here....hope you manage Mary. X

  13. Did you mention the yarn yardage or grams needed for this sweet pattern?
    Maybe I missed it.
    Thank you

  14. Hope its ok for me to reply to Mary's question...I haven't knit this yet but reading he pattern it means to do the following...It says to pass the slip stitch over the k1 and the yo....never done that before but that is what it says... So you slip one stitch purl wise, k1, put yarn over the needle(to make a stitch) then pass your slip stitch over both the k1 and the yarn over needle( dropping it-not putting it back on the needle or you will have too many stitches)....do that twice then k3. Hope that helps you Mary and hope I am correct...:)

  15. I have tried this pattern and completed my first baby jacket. Thank you so much for the pattern Marianna.

  16. I am knitting this with 14 sts=3" for a newborn. Will this be the right size?

  17. Would love to knit this 4ply, has anyone got a pattern?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. super easy, beautiful design, the pattern is so easy to follow.
    i will keep the site as my reference for all patterns, wish to have more size varaiaties

  20. This is so precious. Do you have instructions for size 6-12 or 12-18 months? I find that babies 0-3 months get so little use when they are so small and would love to make this in a larger size for more wearing time. Thanks for sharing this beautiful pattern.

  21. I too would love to knit this in a larger size 9-12 mths, I wouldn't be confident enough to guess it myself any help anybody please

  22. Hi, just finished knitting sleeves and started main part but I have read though pattern and really confused where it says to knit 22 and then knit 24 for sleeve? Does that mean I have to add sleeve from stitch holder? Please can someone explain x

  23. Hello, I've read this too and to me it sounds like you knit your 22 then knit on your stitches for the sleeve from the stitch holder and carry on to where the second sleeve should go, add them stitches from the stitch holder as well and knit to end, all stitches then are on one needle to start the yoke, I'm no expert but I would have a go at this

  24. Thanks for your help. I will give it a go when I get to that part of pattern. Will let you know how it goes x

  25. could the instructions be a little more print friendly, a lot of ink is wasted printing the picture of the sweater several times. thanks

  26. I also would love to have this in a larager size. As another poster said, babies outgrow 0-3 month clothes very quickly.
