
Tuesday 13 September 2016

Danika Baby Blanket

Danika Baby Blanket

Requirements ~

DK (8ply) yarn

4.5mm needles

Tension ~

20sts = 4” (10cm)

Measurements ~

Width:        24"

Length:      adjustable


Pattern Instructions ~

Cast on 119 stitches

Start with a garter stitch border - knit 10 rows

11th Row:       S1, k5, * yrn, k3, slip the first stitch of these 3sts over the 2nd and 3rd sts; repeat from * to last 5sts, k5
12th Row:       S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
13th Row:      S1, k4, * k3, slip the first stitch of these 3sts over the 2nd and 3rd sts, yrn; repeat from * to last 6sts, k6
14th Row:      S1, k4, purl to last 5sts, k5
Repeat the last 4 rows until the blanket measures the length desired
Complete with a garter stitch border – knit 11 rows

Cast off knit wise

Darn away ends

If you would like to make this baby blanket smaller or bigger ~

then reduce or add in multiples of three stitches ...
........ for a Premature Baby Blanket of 17 “

cast on 86sts


........ for a Newborn Baby Blanket of 24 “

cast on 119sts


........ for a Baby Blanket of 30 “

cast on 152sts
I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.
However, please do not copy my patterns
 Copyright © 2016 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced or republished
on another webpage or website.


  1. This is beautiful. Thank you for the lovely pattern. I'll move it to the top of my 'to do' list. :)

  2. Lovely, textured stitch. Does "yrn" mean "yarn over"?

  3. Wonderful, Marianna, it's really pretty! ♥ Many thanks for sharing the pattern. Could you tell me how many yarn (approximately) would be needed for the different sizes? Thanks!
    Nata xxx

  4. I totally and utterly love all your patterns - have knitted quite a few of them now! Still can't master bootees though for some reason!!! I would love you to do an adult pattern - I find your patterns so much easier than most to follow and would love to knit myself a jumper and so much prefer your "all in one" and "top down" methods as I am hopeless at picking up!!! Will you ever do any adult patterns do you think?!

  5. Love the look of the Danika Baby Blanket, but am puzzled a bit by the pattern instructions. Using 151 cast on stitches for 30" blanket. Row 11 starts the row S1, K5 (Slip 1, Knit 5) and ends the row K5. But the pattern in between, which groups stitches in "3's" results in six stitches left in the row, not 5. Rows 12 - 14 all start with S1, K4 and ends K5. Should Row 11 start the same or am I missing something in translating the abbreviations? Thank you. Love this!

  6. Hi i looked up "yrn" online and it means yarn around the needle stitch. If you google "yrn" in knitting pattern" there are tutorials. However they are usually done between purl and purl or knit and purl stitches. So I don't exactly know how it applies to this pattern - but it apparently creates eyelet pattern.
    Hope his helps.

  7. I wish there was a video I could follow

    1. just do a little sample and you'll teach yourself!
      have fun.

  8. How much wool did you use for the newborn baby blanket? I’ve got DK cream wool and I bought 5 100g balls to do this whole set including the hat, booties, cardigan, mittens and blanket, will this be enough?
