
Saturday 1 August 2015

Kinzie Baby Romper

My Kinzie & Little Kinzie Baby Tops are continuing to be really popular! 
They are so cute ...... so easy to knit  ...... and perfect for boys and girls!
If you love them already - then I am sure you will love this too -
a Little Kinzie Romper

This adorable little romper was knitted by LORNA McGOUGAN
a member of my facebook group ....and a very talented knitter.

She altered my original pattern to make this cute little romper.
Thank you so much Lorna   ......... I love it!

Little Kinzie Premature Baby Romper  -  Medium Premature Baby     
Marianna / Lorna McGougan


Width: 13"

Length: From neck to crotch 7 1/2"


Less than 50g of DK (8ply) yarn

5 buttons

Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 50sts  (If using contrast colour - use contrast on the first 4 rows then change to main colour on row 5)

Rows 1 & 2     Knit

Row 3           K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4 & 5    Knit

Row 6           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 7           K9, yrn, k2, yrn, k5, yrn, k2, yrn, k14, yrn, k2, yrn, k5, yrn, k2, yrn, k9

Row 8           Knit

Row 9           K10, yrn, k2, yrn, k7, yrn, k2, yrn, k16, yrn, k2, yrn, k7, yrn, k2, yrn, k10

Row 10         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 11         K11, yrn, k2, yrn, k9, yrn, k2, yrn, k18, yrn, k2, yrn, k9, yrn, k2, yrn, k11

Row 12         Knit

Row 13         K12, yrn, k2, yrn, k11, yrn, k2, yrn, k20, yrn, k2, yrn, k11, yrn, k2, yrn, k12

Row 14         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 15         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), K9, yrn, k2, yrn, k13, yrn, k2, yrn, k22, yrn, k2, yrn, k13, yrn, k2, yrn, k13

Row 16         Knit

Row 17         K14, yrn, k2, yrn, k15, yrn, k2, yrn, k24, yrn, k2, yrn, k15, yrn, k2, yrn, k14

Row 18         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 19         K15, yrn, k2, yrn, k17, yrn, k2, yrn, k26, yrn, k2, yrn, k17, yrn, k2, yrn, k15

Row 20         Knit

Row 21         K16, yrn, k2, yrn, k19, yrn, k2, yrn, k28, yrn, k2, yrn, k19, yrn, k2, yrn, k16

Row 22         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 23         K17, yrn, k2, yrn, k21, yrn, k2, yrn, k30, yrn, k2, yrn, k21, yrn, k2, yrn, k17

Row 24         Knit

Row 25         K19, slip next 25sts onto a stitch holder, k34, slip next 25sts onto a stitch holder, k19

Row 26         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4                 (72sts)

Row 27         K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 28         Knit

Row 29         Knit

Row 30         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 31         Knit

Row 32         Knit

Row 33         Knit

Row 34         K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last 4 rows

Row 39             K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 40             Knit

Row 41             K18 *kfb k1 18 times* k18                      (90sts)

Continue with pattern on these stitches making another buttonhole on Row 51

Row 56             K3tog, knit to last 3sts, k3 tog               (86sts)

Continue with pattern to row 64

Row 65             Knit 43 turn

Row 66             P2tog, work to last 2sts, p2tog              (41sts)

Row 67             K2tog, work to last 2sts, k2tog              (39sts)             

Repeat last row twice, then row 66 once                         (33sts)

Change to contrast colour and knit 3 rows

Cast off

Rejoin yarn to the remaining 43sts and work as first 43sts

Short Sleeves ~ Both Alike

Put the 25sts, left on a stitch holder, back on to a knitting needle. Rejoin yarn.

With right side facing –
Knit 3 rows with contrast colour if desired

Cast off
Make the second sleeve in the same way
Sew up sleeve seams.
Gather together underarms

Darn away ends
Sew on buttons

* * *
Kinzie Romper                 Newborn  

Follow the instructions below, using DK yarn and 4mm needles    (requires less than 100g)
Chest 16 inches

Kinzie Romper                  0-3months 

DK wool (requires just over 100gm with a thicker DK but less with normal DK)
4.5mm needles
8 Buttons

Worked from the neck down all in one piece
Chest 18 inches
Neck to crotch 13 inches

Cast on 64sts
Rows 1 & 2         Knit
Row 3                K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4 & 5         Knit
Row 6                K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 7                K12, yrn, k2, yrn, k6, yrn, k2, yrn, k20, yrn, k2, yrn, k6, yrn, k2, yrn, k12
Row 8                Knit
Row 9                K13, yrn, k2, yrn, k8, yrn, k2, yrn, k22, yrn, k2, yrn, k8, yrn, k2, yrn, k13
Row 10              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 11              K14, yrn, k2, yrn, k10, yrn, k2, yrn, k24, yrn, k2, yrn, k10, yrn, k2, yrn, k14
Row 12              Knit
Row 13              K15, yrn, k2, yrn, k12, yrn, k2, yrn, k26, yrn, k2, yrn, k12, yrn, k2, yrn, k15
Row 14              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 15              K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), K12, yrn, k2, yrn, k14, yrn, k2, yrn, k28, yrn, k2, yrn, k14, yrn, k2, yrn, k16
Row 16              Knit
Row 17              K17, yrn, k2, yrn, k16, yrn, k2, yrn, k30, yrn, k2, yrn, k16, yrn, k2, yrn, k17
Row 18              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 19              K18, yrn, k2, yrn, k18, yrn, k2, yrn, k32, yrn, k2, yrn, k18, yrn, k2, yrn, k18
Row 20              Knit
Row 21              K19, yrn, k2, yrn, k20, yrn, k2, yrn, k34, yrn, k2, yrn, k20, yrn, k2, yrn, k19
Row 22              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 23              K20, yrn, k2, yrn, k22, yrn, k2, yrn, k36, yrn, k2, yrn, k22, yrn, k2, yrn, k20
Row 24              Knit
Row 25              K21, yrn, k2, yrn, k24, yrn, k2, yrn, k38, yrn, k2, yrn, k24, yrn, k2, yrn, k21
Row 26              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Row 27              K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k18, yrn, k2, yrn, k26, yrn, k2, yrn, k40, yrn, k2, yrn, k26, yrn, k2, yrn, k22
Row 28              Knit
Row 29              K24, slip next 30sts onto a stitch holder, k44, slip next 30sts onto a stitch holder, k24
Row 30              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4           (92sts) **

Row 31              Knit
Row 32              Knit
Row 33              Knit
Row 34              K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
Work the last four rows until you finish row 60
Row 61              K26 *kfb K1* 20 times, k26
NOTE: Buttonholes on rows 39 -51-63-75-87
Continue on these stitches following the 4 row pattern (knit, knit, knit, purl) until you finish row 90
Row 91              Knit 3tog at both ends of row
Row 92              Knit 2tog at both ends of row          (106 sts)
Row 93              Knit 53 turn
Work on these 53 stitches
Row 94              P2 tog at both ends of row             (51sts)
Row 95              Knit 2tog at both ends of row         (49sts)
Row 96              Knit 2tog at both ends of row         (47sts)
Row 97              Knit 2tog at both ends of row         (45sts)
Row 98              Purl 2tog at both ends of row         (43sts)
Row 99              Knit
Row 100            Knit
Row 101            Knit
Row 102            Purl
Row 103 to 107 Knit
Cast off.
Rejoin yarn to remaining 53 stitches and work as previous from Row 93

Short Sleeves ~ Both Alike
Put the 30sts, left on a stitch holder, back on to a knitting needle. Rejoin yarn.
With right side facing –
Knit 5 rows
Cast off
Make the second sleeve in the same way
Join sleeve and leg seams.

Kinzie Romper                  9-12months

The instructions for this size were written by Amanda Taylor, and test knitted by Lynne Donaldson. Thank you so much Amanda and Lynne - I know that this bigger size will be much appreciated by many knitters. 

Knitted by Amanda Taylor

Knitted by Lynne Donaldson

DK wool (around 130gm)
4mm needles

8 Buttons

Worked from the neck down all in one piece
Width ~ 22½”
Neck to crotch ~ around 15”


Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 86sts

Knit 4 rows

Row 5: K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Row 6: Knit

Row 7: K12, * kfb, k11, repeat from * to last 2sts, k2 (92sts)

Row 8: Knit

Row 9: K17, yrn, k2, yrn, k10, yrn, k2, yrn, k30, yrn, k2, yrn, k10, yrn, k2, yrn, k17

Row 10: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 11: K18, yrn, k2, yrn, k12, yrn, k2, yrn, k32, yrn, k2, yrn, k12, yrn, k2, yrn, k18

Row 12: Knit

Row 13: K19, yrn, k2, yrn, k14, yrn, k2, yrn, k34, yrn, k2, yrn, k14, yrn, k2, yrn, k19

Row 14: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 15: K20, yrn, k2, yrn, k16, yrn, k2, yrn, k36, yrn, k2, yrn, k16, yrn, k2, yrn, k20

Row 16: Knit

Row 17: K21, yrn, k2, yrn, k18, yrn, k2, yrn, k38, yrn, k2, yrn, k18, yrn, k2, yrn, k21

Row 18: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 19: K22, yrn, k2, yrn, k20, yrn, k2, yrn, k40, yrn, k2, yrn, k20, yrn, k2, yrn, k22

Row 20: Knit

Row 21: K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k19, yrn, k2, yrn, k22, yrn, k2, yrn, k42, yrn, k2, yrn, k22, yrn, k2, yrn, k23

Row 22: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 23: K24, yrn, k2, yrn, k24, yrn, k2, yrn, k44, yrn, k2, yrn, k24, yrn, k2, yrn, k24

Row 24: Knit

Row 25: K25, yrn, k2, yrn, k26, yrn, k2, yrn, k46, yrn, k2, yrn, k26, yrn, k2, yrn, k25

Row 26: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 27: K26, yrn, k2, yrn, k28, yrn, k2, yrn, k48, yrn, k2, yrn, k28, yrn, k2, yrn, k26

Row 28: Knit

Row 29: K27, yrn, k2, yrn, k30, yrn, k2, yrn, k50, yrn, k2, yrn, k30, yrn, k2, yrn, k27

Row 30: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 31: K28, yrn, k2, yrn, k32, yrn, k2, yrn, k52, yrn, k2, yrn, k32, yrn, k2, yrn, k28

Row 32: Knit

Row 33: K29, yrn, k2, yrn, k34, yrn, k2, yrn, k54, yrn, k2, yrn, k34, yrn, k2, yrn, k29

Row 34: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 35: K30, yrn, k2, yrn, k36, yrn, k2, yrn, k56, yrn, k2, yrn, k36, yrn, k2, yrn, k30

Row 36: Knit

Row 37: K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k27, yrn, k2, yrn, k38, yrn, k2, yrn, k58, yrn, k2, yrn, k38, yrn, k2, yrn, k31

Row 38: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 39: K33, slip next 42sts onto a stitch holder, k62, slip next 42sts onto a stitch holder, k33                      (128 stitches)

Row 40: Knit
Row 41: Knit
Row 42: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Row 43: Knit
Row 44: Knit
Row 45: Knit
Row 46: K5, purl to last 5sts, k5

Repeat last 4 rows 19 times more, putting buttonholes on rows 53/ 69/85/101/117
Row 123: Knit 3tog at both ends of row                   (124sts)
Row 124: Knit 2tog at both ends of row                   (122sts)

Row 125: Knit 61 turn
Work on these 61 stitches for the first leg~

Row 126: Purl 2tog at both ends of row                   (59sts)
Row 127: Knit 2tog at both ends of row                   (57sts)
Row 128: Knit 2tog at both ends of row                   (55sts)
Row 129: Knit 2tog at both ends of row                   (53sts)
Row 130: Purl 2tog at both ends of row                   (51sts)
Row 131: Knit
Row 132: Knit
Row 133: Knit
Row 134: Purl
Row 135: Knit
Row 136: Knit
Row 137: Knit
Row 138: Purl
Row 139 -143: Knit
Cast off

Rejoin yarn to remaining 61 stitches and work as above from Row 125 for the second leg


Short Sleeves ~ Both Alike

Put the 42sts, left on a stitch holder, back on to a knitting needle. Rejoin yarn.

With right side facing –

Knit 5 rows

Cast off

Make the second sleeve in the same way

Sew up sleeve seams. Gather together underarms


Sew up leg seams

Darn away ends

Sew on buttons

Copyright © 2015 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2020 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns


  1. Thank you so much for giving everyone a chance to enjoy this cute pattern. People don't realize how much something they may think is small, but is very Big to the person who it is given to freely. So for everyone who will enjoy this, A huge THANK YOU!!!

  2. Thank you for your lovely message Kirsten Hinkle.

  3. Hi is lovely pattern love your site ... Just would like To know from where do i repeat from row 41 to button hole row 51 thanks 😃😞

    1. the pattern is from row 31 to row 34 so it is 3 rows knit then knit 4 purl to last 4 and knit 4.I have just worked it out. this is a gorgeous, so easy pattern. good luck - Janice

    2. Janice are you sure that is correct as that would only take you to row 49, so what is row 50 and 51??

  4. Do you have the romper pattern for 0 to 3 months please?

  5. Beautiful bubblesuit/onesie but there is no guage/tension listed that is concerning other than that I would say a size 6/4mm needle used with aran/worsted weight yarn should achieve 0-3 mos, even using as large as a size 7/4.5mm (http://www.yarnfwd.com/tension.html, http://www.yarnfwd.com/needleconv.html)
    I hope this information helps others and I will try after august to make one with suggested changes and see where I get please if anyone else has success upsizing I hope they post it will help many people!

  6. On Kinzie Romper after row 41 do you repeat rows 27-55? Donna

  7. I have the same question Donna, I can't get my head round it either

    1. I'm wondering if it's rows 31-34.

    2. From what I've read above its rows 31-34,
      3 knit rows and 1 purl row.

  8. Hi just to let you know I make things for Angel Babies who do not make it. I used this pattern using 4ply yarn and 3.25mm needles and it turned out well. I am going to try it again with 3ply and 2.75mm for the even smaller babies. I have already done this with the little top. dress and hats and they all come out great. thank you for all the patterns you share with us. x

  9. Thank you so much for all your wonderful patterns, have made nearly a box full to take to my local neonatal hospital. Such wonderful and esay instructions to follow.. please keep up your wonderful work.

  10. I am an experienced knitter but have just pulled it down after about 12 rows, I used a 4.5 needle (US7) and DK wool but the neck was huge. I used the 'cable' cast on method which I usually find to be quite firm. Has anyone else had this problem?

    1. I have made a lot of these but I use 4mm needles and my necks are fine

  11. Absolutely loved knitting this pattern! I think I have given around 10 of your patterns a whirl and thoroughly enjoyed them all :D My youngest daughter was born prematurely and in a time of darkness these patterns brought a shine into my day. Now I'm expecting a my third (and probably final) baby I'm enjoying the patterns a second time round as I prepare :D Thank you so much for publishing these freely and giving such enjoyment to so many :)

  12. Marianna I thought you might like to know that many of your patterns have been knitted by me for our local prem baby unit here in Auckland, New Zealand. You are my goto for prem baby patterns and in a recent Freemason project knitters in New Zealand knitted over 10,000 wee garments for prems throughout the country. i distributed your patterns to the Freemasons' wives and can't thank you enough for sharing them.
