
Saturday 28 June 2014

Feeling Happy.......

I am feeling very happy right now ........
I have been so so busy ......... but at last I have time to blog!

During the school exam season I work as an invigilator, in addition to my usual job. That makes me super busy for a couple of months - but the exams are now over and I have time for ME again!

About six weeks ago Una of 'Great Balls of Wool' nominated me for a Liebster Award... it's my first blog award, so it is very special! Thank you so much Una.
You made me feel very happy. Sorry I took so long to blog about it!


The rules are ~

1)  Post 11 random facts about myself
2)  Answer 11 questions the awarding blogger has asked
3)  Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers, add their links to this post, and let them know they've been nominated
4)  Create 11 questions the nominated blogs have to answer

So ~ 11 random facts about me are ~

1.  Being creative is my favourite way to spend time
2.  I have always been a bit of a rebel
3.  I was born in Scotland
4.  I love a glass or two of wine ......
5.  I have only ever had two pets - both of them cats
6.  My favourite colour is turquoise
7.  At school my nickname was 'Bubbles'
8.  I never leave home without my mascara on!
9.  I hate raw celery
10. I love fresh flowers
11. My family are the most important thing in my life

Una asked me ~

1) What is the last thing you knitted or crocheted?
     I have been knitting top-down baby jackets to donate to charity
2) Where would you go on holiday if price was no object?
    A trip across America would be fantastic!
3) Do you think there is intelligent life on other planets?
    No, I really don't think so - but I am prepared to be proved wrong on this one!
4) At what age did you learn to knit or crochet?
    My Mum and Granny were both great at knitting, crochet, needlework,   
    dressmaking, and lots of other crafts - I wanted to be like them, so I learned when I  
    was young - about 6 I think - I started making clothes for my dolls
5) What is your natural hair colour?
    Mid to dark brown
6) Which is your favourite season?
    Spring - I am always really happy when winter is over!
7) Are you a books or e-reader fan?
    Books. I do use my e-reader when I travel, but never at home
8) Do you prefer curtains or blinds?
    Curtains - I like fabric
9) Are you wearing earrings right now?
    Yes. I have a nice collection of pretty earings and I enjoy chosing which to wear each 
10) Do you have a special crafting area at home?
     I would love to have a craft room - some day, maybe - but actually my crafting 
     area is pretty much wherever I am ........
11) If one person could rule the world, who should it be?
     Someone with great wisdom and compassion - but they seem to be hard to find!
I am delighted to nominate 11 blogs  with less than 200 followers -
and award them all the Liebster Award too ~
Congratulations to all of you
~ and if you want to take part - here are your questions ~
  1. How would you spend your 'perfect' day?
  2. What is your favourite yarn?
  3. Where were you born?
  4. Which foods do you detest?
  5. What would your friends say about you?
  6. What is your favourite film of all time?
  7. How many languages can you speak?
  8. What was your nickname at school?
  9. What is your favourite colour?
  10. If you were a fruit - what fruit would you be?
  11. What makes you happy?
Thank you for nominating me Una. I love your blog - http://bagsofwool.blogspot.co.uk/


  1. Congratulations on your award Marianna. :)

  2. Congrats on your 1st award Marianna. :)

  3. Super, Marianna, congratulations!! You really deserve it, your blog is always a pleasure :-)

  4. Congratulations on your award Marianna, well deserved for such fab wooliness!
    ...thank you for passing it on too!

  5. congratulations on your award x
