
Thursday 1 April 2021

How To Join Underarms Neatly

 Both my Top-Down and Bottom-Up cardigans are very popular with knitters all around the world. The ease of knitting, and the fact that they require very little seaming is a big bonus. 

But joining the underarm area gives some knitters problems. So I thought I would add some tips and photos to help you. 

Bottom-Up Cardigans and Sweaters

How To Join the Underarm ~

  • Join the sleeve seam first - from the cuff upwards to the top of the sleeve
  • There are 3 cast off stitches at each side of the sleeve seam - join these 6  stitches in a straight line with the 6 cast off stitches at the underarm of the main body part by oversewing (I used a contrast colour in some of the photos below to guide you where to go)
  • Darn away the tail of yarn down the sleeve seam for a few inches, and cut off the yarn 
How to Neatly Join the Underarm of Bottom-Up Sweaters

Top-Down Cardigans and Sweaters

How To Join the Underarm ~

  •  Join the sleeve seam first - from the cuff upwards
  •  When you get to the underarm gap - run the needle and yarn in and out around the gap (I used a contrast colour in some of the photos below to guide you where to go)
  •  Pull gently to gather the underarm area together
  •  Darn away the tail of yarn down the sleeve seam for a few inches, and cut off the yarn
How to Neatly Join the Underarm of Top-Down Sweaters

 I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    

However, please do not copy my patterns

Copyright © 2021 ‘made by marianna’       All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied 
or reproduced or republished on any other webpage or website.   


  1. EXCELLENT - just what we need - blow by blow account on how to do it THANK YOU SO MUCH :-) XX

  2. Thank you so much. I was sewing underarm before joining seam and it wasn't neat, brilliant x
