
Monday 5 March 2018

All-in-One Onesie

All-in-One Onesie  ~  Small Premature Baby
Marianna's Lazy Daisy Days Designs
All-in-One Onesie

All-in-One Onesie             ~                  Small Premature


Width:                     11 - 11½"

Length:                    8"



22sts = 4" (10cm)



DK (8ply) yarn ~ around 24 - 26g

4mm needles

6 buttons


Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 51sts

Rows 1& 2     Knit

Row 3            K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4 & 5    Knit

Row 6           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 7           K8, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k12, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k9

Row 8           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 9           K9, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k14, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k10

Row 10          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 11          K10, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k16, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k11

Row 12          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 13          K11, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k18, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k12

Row 14          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 15          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), K8, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k20, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k13

Row 16          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 17          K13, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k22, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k14

Row 18          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 19          K14, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k24, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k15

Row 20          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Knit 5 rows

Row 26          K17, cast off 22sts knitwise, k28, cast off 22sts knitwise, k16

Row 27          K2, yrn, k2tog (makes a buttonhole), knit across all the stitches on the needle     (63sts)

Row 28          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 29          Knit

Row 30          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 2 rows three times more

Rows 37 & 38           Knit

Row 39          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k5, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k42, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k8

Rows 40 & 41           Knit

Row 42          Cast off 17sts knitwise, k28, cast off 17sts knitwise


Rejoin yarn and continue on the 29sts for the lower part of the Onesie ~

Row 1           K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog

Row 2           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 3           Knit

Row 4           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows five times more                                    17sts

Row 25          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1

Row 25          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 27          Knit

Row 28          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows four times more                                   27sts

Row 45          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1

Row 46          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Knit 5 rows

Cast off knitwise


Darn away ends

Sew on buttons




All-in-One Onesie             ~                  Medium Premature



Width:                     13 - 13½"

Length:                    9"



22sts = 4" (10cm)



DK (8ply) yarn  ~  around 32 - 34g

4mm needles 

6 buttons


Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 55sts

Rows 1 & 2    Knit

Row 3            K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4          Knit

Row 5           Knit

Row 6           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 7           K9, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k14, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k10

Row 8           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 9           K10, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k16, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k11

Row 10          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 11          K11, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k18, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k12

Row 12          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 13          K12, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k20, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k13

Row 14          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 15          K13, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k22, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k14

Row 16          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 17          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k10, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k24, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k15

Row 18          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 19          K15, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k26, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k16

Row 20          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 21          K16, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k28, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k17

Row 22          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Knit 5 rows

Row 28          K19, cast off 24sts knitwise, k33, cast off 24sts knitwise, k18

Row 29          Knit across all the stitches on the needle                       (71sts)

Row 30          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 31          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end

Row 32          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 33          Knit

Row 34          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 2 rows four times more

Rows 43 & 44           Knit

Row 45          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k6, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k48, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k9

Rows 46 & 47           Knit

Row 48          Cast off 19sts knitwise, k32, cast off 19sts knitwise


Rejoin yarn and continue on the 33sts for the lower part of the Onesie ~

Row 1           K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog

Row 2           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 3           Knit

Row 4           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows six times more                                     19sts

Row 29          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1

Row 30          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 31          Knit

Row 32          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows five times more                                    31sts

Row 53          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1                              33sts

Row 54          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Knit 5 rows

Cast off knitwise

Darn away ends

Sew on buttons




All-in-One Onesie             ~                  Large Premature Baby


Width:                     14½” -15"

Length:                   11"



22sts = 4" (10cm)



DK (8ply) yarn   ~  around 40g

4mm needles

7 buttons


Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 59sts

Rows 1& 2     Knit

Row 3            K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4          Knit

Row 5           Knit

Row 6           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 7           K10, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k16, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k11

Row 8           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 9           K11, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k18, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k12

Row 10          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 11          K12, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k20, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k13

Row 12          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 13          K13, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k22, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k14

Row 14          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 15          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k10, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k24, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k15

Row 16          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 17          K15, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k26, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k16

Row 18          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 19          K16, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k28, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k17

Row 20          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 21          K17, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k30, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k18

Row 22          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 23          K18, kfb, k1, kfb, k21, kfb, k1, kfb, k32, kfb, k1, kfb, k21, kfb, k1, kfb, k19

Row 24          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Rows 25 & 26           Knit

Row 27          K2, yrn, k2tog (makes a buttonhole), knit to end

Rows 28 & 29           Knit

Row 30          K21, cast off 26sts knitwise, k36, cast off 26sts knitwise, k20

Row 31          Knit across all the stitches on the needle                       (79sts)

Row 32          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 2 rows three times more

Row 39          K2, yrn, k2tog (makes a buttonhole), knit to end

Row 40          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 41          Knit

Row 42          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 2 rows three times more

Rows 49 & 50           Knit

Row 51          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k7, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k54, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k10

Rows 52 & 53           Knit

Row 54          Cast off 21sts knitwise, k36, cast off 21sts knitwise


Rejoin yarn and continue on the 37sts for the lower part of the Onesie ~

Row 1           K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog

Row 2           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 3           Knit

Row 4           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows seven times more                                 21sts

Row 33          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1

Row 34          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 35          Knit

Row 36          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows six times more                                     35sts

Row 61          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1                              37sts

Row 62          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Knit 5 rows

Cast off knitwise

Darn away ends

Sew on buttons

All-in-One Onesie              ~        0 – 3 months


Width:           16"
Length:         14"



22sts = 4" (10cm)



Around 60g of DK (8ply) yarn

7 buttons



Using DK yarn and 4mm needles ~

Cast on 63sts


Rows 1 & 2     Knit

Row 3           K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end of row

Rows 4 & 5    Knit

Row 6           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 7           K11, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k18, kfb, k1, kfb, k5, kfb, k1, kfb, k12           (71sts)

Row 8           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 9           K12, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k20, kfb, k1, kfb, k7, kfb, k1, kfb, k13           (79sts)

Row 10          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 11          K13, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k22, kfb, k1, kfb, k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k14           (87sts)

Row 12          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 13          K14, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k24, kfb, k1, kfb, k11, kfb, k1, kfb, k15       (95sts)

Row 14          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

 Row 15         K15, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k26, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k16      (103sts)

Row 16          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 17          K16, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k28, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k17       (111sts)

Row 18          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 19          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k30, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k18       (119sts)

Row 20          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 21          K18, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k32, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k19       (127sts)

Row 22          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 23          K19, kfb, k1, kfb, k21, kfb, k1, kfb, k34, kfb, k1, kfb, k21, kfb, k1, kfb, k20      (135sts)

Row 24          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 25          K20, kfb, k1, kfb, k23, kfb, k1, kfb, k36, kfb, k1, kfb, k23, kfb, k1, kfb, k21       (143sts)

Row 26          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 27          K21, kfb, k1, kfb, k25, kfb, k1, kfb, k38, kfb, k1, kfb, k25, kfb, k1, kfb, k22       (151sts)

Row 28          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Knit 5 rows

Row 34          K24, cast off 30sts knitwise, k42, cast off 30sts knitwise, k23

Row 35          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit across all the stitches on the needle    (91sts) 

Row 36          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 37          Knit

Row 38          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last 2 rows six times more

Row 51          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), knit to end

Row 52          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 53          Knit

Row 54          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat last 2 rows 5 times more

Rows 65 & 66           Knit

Row 67          K2, yrn, k2tog, (makes a buttonhole), k10, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k60, yrn, k2tog, (buttonhole), k10, yrn, k2tog, k1

Rows 68 & 69           Knit

Row 70          Cast off 24sts knitwise, k42, cast off 24sts knitwise


Rejoin yarn and continue on the 43sts for the lower part of the Onesie ~

Row 1           K2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog

Row 2           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 3           Knit

Row 4           K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows eight times more                        (25sts)                             

Row 37          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1

Row 38          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Row 39          Knit

Row 40          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Repeat the last 4 rows seven times more                       (41sts)                   

Row 69          Kfb, knit to last 2sts, kfb, k1                    (43sts)                             

Row 70          K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

Knit 5 rows

Cast off knitwise

Darn away ends

Sew on buttons
I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    
However, please do not copy my patterns
Copyright © 2018 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.


  1. I really cannot thank you enough for this one Marion, I am away to get stuck into the little ones right now. Jean

  2. I also cannot thank you enough!
    just in time for the spring and summer season :)

  3. So handy and such a lovely gift idea. x

  4. I have so many patterns now that I just can’t keep up with all the comments and questions on this page, ravelry, pinterest and other sites. However, I DO want to hear from you, help you and see your lovely makes! I have a very lively facebook group page – please join me and over 8,600 other members. I check in every day and if I am not available, someone else usually is. The group is ~ https://www.facebook.com/groups/made.by.marianna

  5. I have made your all-in-one-onesie, why do the front sides of the legs come out & stick out & why does the flap in the middle under the middle button gape. Coral

  6. Hi I am wondering how much bigger worsted/aran weight yarn would make this because it seems to me that the body length should be a tad longer
    not a criticism just a concern will check out lengths here at http://www.bevscountrycottage.com scroll till you find the measurements
    Your patterns are so timeless and beautiful please understand I am not complaining or picking it was just a concern of mine.
    Tonda USA from Knittersparadise.com

  7. I am a novice knitter, this pattern is fantastic thanks
