
Friday 16 February 2018

Mystery Knit ~ # 4


Size 1

Cast on 57sts for a premature baby

Work 6 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)

Work 6 rows in K1, P1 rib

Change colour – or continue in the same colour ~

Work 16 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)

Shape as follows ~

Row 1:         * k5, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1

Rows 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10:   Purl across row

Row 3:         * k4, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1

Row 5:         * k3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1

Row 7:         * k2, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1

Row 9:         * k1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1

Row 11:       * k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1

Row 12:       * p2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1

There are now a few options ~

You can ~

Cut off the yarn, leaving a tail. Thread tail onto a needle and pass through remaining stitches. Pull to gather up.

Sew side seam. Weave in ends.


Knit 15 rows and cast off

If you changed colour after the rib -  you can use the first colour again, or simply continue with the second colour.

Sew side seam. Weave in ends. Tie a knot in the top 15rows.


Size 2

Cast on 63sts for a 0-3months baby

Work 7 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)

Work 7 rows in K1, P1 rib, increasing 1 stitch at the end of the last row    (64sts)

Change colour – or continue in the same colour ~

Work 20 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)

Shape as follows ~

Row 1:         * k5, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                             (55sts)

Rows 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10:   Purl across row

Row 3:         * k4, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                             (46sts)

Row 5:         * k3, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                             (37sts)

Row 7:         * k2, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                             (28sts)

Row 9:         * k1, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                             (19sts)

Row 11:       * k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                                   (10sts)

Row 12:       * p2tog, repeat from * to end                                            (5sts)

There are now a few options ~

You can ~

Cut off the yarn, leaving a tail. Thread tail onto a needle and pass through remaining 5 stitches. Pull to gather up.

Sew side seam. Weave in ends.


Knit 15 rows and cast off

If you changed colour after the rib -  you can use the first colour again, or simply continue with the second colour.

Sew side seam. Weave in ends. Tie a knot in the top 15rows.


Size 3

Cast on 73sts for a 6-12months baby

Work 7 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)

Work 7 rows in K1, P1 rib, increasing 1 stitch at the end of the last row    (74sts)

Change colour – or continue in the same colour ~

Work 26 rows in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl)

Shape as follows ~
1st  Row:      * k6, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                   65sts
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th,12th Rows:
Purl across row

3rd  Row:      * k5, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                   57sts
5th  Row:      * k4, k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                   49sts
7th  Row:      * k3, k2tog) repeat from * to last st, k1                  41sts
9th  Row:      * k2, k2tog) repeat from * to last st, k1                  33sts
11th Row:     * k1, k2tog) repeat from * to last st, k1                  25sts
13th Row:     * k2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                        13sts

There are now a few options ~

You can ~

Cut off the yarn, leaving a tail. Thread tail onto a needle and pass through remaining 13 stitches. Pull to gather up.

Sew side seam. Weave in ends.


*P2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                                    7sts                                                                                               
Knit 15 rows and cast off

If you changed colour after the rib -  you can use the first colour again, or simply continue with the second colour.

Sew side seam. Weave in ends. Tie a knot in the top 15rows.

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.    
However, please do not copy my patterns
Copyright © 2018 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.


  1. Do I assume it's DK and 4.00mm needles?

  2. wondering the same question as Michele - what is the gauge and yarn and needles? thanks

  3. I enjoyed over read your blog post.
    Your blog have nice information, I got good idea from this amazing blog.
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  4. enjoyed every inch and corner of this blog...

  5. Love,love love your patterns. I have made many different hats and am currently working on the Milk and sugar baby blanket. All for donation. A wonderful site. I will definitely make this one as well. Thanks again

  6. Ravelry states yarn is DK and 4mm needles

  7. Ravelry states DK and 4 mm needles

  8. I always use number 4 for the bonnets...
