
Monday 21 November 2016

Chocolate Cupcakes

Chocolate Cupcakes

Chocolate Cupcakes

DK yarn       
4mm needles


Using ‘cup case’ colour ~

Cast on 21sts

1st Row:       S1, p1, * k2, p2, repeat from * to last 3sts, k3

2nd Row:       S1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to end

Repeat the last 2 rows twice more

Cut off ‘cake case’ colour – join in  ‘cake’ colour ~

7th Row:        Knit across row

8th Row:        S1, p1, pfb, * p3, pfb, repeat from * to last 2sts, p1, k1           (26sts)

Join in ‘icing’ colour and work next row in ‘cake’ colour (CC) and ‘icing’ colour (IC) ~

9th Row:        * K1 (CC), k1 (IC), repeat from * to end

Cut off ‘cake’ colour, continue using ‘icing colour’ only ~

10th Row:      K1, purl to last stitch, k1

11th Row:      Knit

12th Row:      S1, purl to last st, k1

13th Row:      Knit

14th Row:      *P2tog, repeat from * all across row                                      (13sts)

15th Row:      Knit

16th Row:      *P2tog, repeat from * to last st, k1                                        (7sts)

Cut off yarn, leaving a tail – thread the tail through these 7sts, and pull up tight

Sew up the side seam, using the corresponding colour for each section.

Darn away ends


Using red yarn cast on 3 stitches

Row 1:          Knit in the front and back of every stitch                     (6sts)

Row 2:          Purl

Row 3:          Knit

Row 4:          P2tog three times                                                     (3sts)

Cast off

Sew the cherry on to the top of the cup cake

Fill with a chocolate Christmas bauble if desired

I am happy for you to use my patterns for your own use or for charity donations.  
In addition:  You can gift or sell any finished items you make from my patterns.
However, please do not copy my patterns

 Copyright © 2016 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied

or reproduced or republished on another webpage or website.



  1. I actually thought they were real until I took a closer look at your photo. Very clever pattern.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Una. :) x

  2. They look good enough to eat Marianna. :) xx

    1. Thanks Linda - they are just a bit of fun! M xxx

  3. Cute cupcakes! these would be fun to knit up :) have a good weekend!

    1. Glad you like them Lisa! Thanks for your comment. :) x

  4. Oh what lovely cakes I'm loading my needles asI type thank you for sharing

    1. Happy knitting Glenys ...... hope you have some fun with these.

  5. I have so many patterns now that I just can’t keep up with all the comments and questions on this page, ravelry, pinterest and other sites. However, I DO want to hear from you, help you and see your lovely makes! I have a very lively facebook group page – please join me and over 6,700 other members. I check in every day and if I am not available, someone else usually is. The group is ~

  6. What does pfb mean and what does the writing inder row 1 mean
