
Sunday 13 March 2016

Easy Childrens Bedsocks

A few days ago a member of my facebook group added a pattern for children's bedsocks - they are so cute! I really love them.
She has given me permission to share her pattern here too!!
Thank you very much Ally Jay.

I have simplified the pattern for beginner knitters, using one or two colours ~ and added Ally Jay's original 3colour version too.

Easy Bedsocks               Age 2 – 4 Years

Using 4.5mm  (US size 7) and DK yarn needles cast on 30sts loosely. Leave quite a bit of a tail for sewing up.

Change to 4mm (US size 8) needles and garter st (every row knit) 18 rows using fluffy or contrast yarn if desired

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18

Change to 3.25mm (US size 10) needles and K1 P1 rib 18 rows using main colour yarn.

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18

Change back to size 4mm (US size 8 needles).

K20 turn. Leave the remaining 10sts on a safety pin or holder. Do not cut. Turn

(Top of foot),  K10 turn.

Knit 23 rows garter st.

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23

Pick up and knit 13sts down side of middle panel,   slip the 10sts left on the safety pin onto left hand needle, and knit across these 10sts

Knit 23sts, pick up and knit 13sts down side of middle panel,   k10

Knit 11 rows garter stitch.

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11


K1    K2tog    K18   (K2tog   K10   K2tog)    K18    K2tog    K1

K1    K2tog    K17    (K2tog   K8   K2tog)   K17    K2tog    K1

K1    K2tog    K16    (K2tog   K6   K2tog)    K16    K2tog   K1

K1    K2tog    K15    (K2tog   K4   K2tog)    K15    K2tog   K1

Knit 1 row  
Cast off …. leave a long tail for sewing under foot and then up to the garter stitch top cuff...sew that with yarn left from the cast on.

 Here is the original pattern in two sizes -
thank you again for sharing your lovely pattern Ally

Ally Jay’s Children’s Bedsocks               Age 2 – 4 Years

First some notes. It may seem at first that the different needle sizes changing back and forth are just an unnecessary amount of fiddling, but believe me it makes a HUGE difference to the finished product.  The bedsocks are started at the top and finish under the foot, so the cast on HAS to be relaxed. I use a crotchet hook to pick up the stitches around the foot as it is easier than trying to hook up the loops with the needle.  For girls, the top cuff can be worked with fluffy yarn and for the boys, I just use a different contrast. (3 different colours used) although you can use as many or few as you like. They are knitted with 8ply (Double Knitting) and size 7, 8 and 10 needles. (4,5mm, 4mm and 3.25mm). They can be worn fully pulled up or folded over.


Size 7 needles cast on 30sts loosely. Leave quite a bit of a tail for sewing up.

Change to size 8 needles and garter st (every row knit) 18 rows using fluffy or contrast yarn.

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18

Change to size 10 needles and K1 P1 rib 18 rows using main colour yarn.

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18

Change back to size 8 needles. K20 turn. Leave the remaining 10sts on a safety pin or holder. Do not cut.

Change to second contrast colour (top of foot), K10 turn. Knit 23 rows garter st.

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23

Slip the 10 sts on safety pin onto needle and from the inside edge and using the main colour again, knit to the end of the row (so now you will 10sts in main 10sts in contrast and 10sts in main on your one needle.

K10   pick up 13sts on side of middle panel   k5 on top of toe …use another (size 8) needle to k5 on top of toe (10 sts altogether on top of toe…using the extra needle helps in turning the corner, otherwise the stitches pull badly)   pick up another 13 sts down the other side of the middle panel and then K10 remaining sts.. (56 sts altogether on three needles) You can get rid of that third needle on the very next row when you get to it…it will have done its job of helping you around the corner).

Knit 11 rows garter stitch.

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11


K1    K2tog    K18   (K2tog   K10   K2tog)    K18    K2tog    K1

K1    K2tog    K17    (K2tog   K8   K2tog)   K17    K2tog    K1

K1    K2tog    K16    (K2tog   K6   K2tog)    K16    K2tog   K1

K1    K2tog    K15    (K2tog   K4   K2tog)    K15    K2tog   K1

Knit 1 row   ….leave a long tail for sewing under foot and then up to the garter stitch top cuff...sew that with yarn left from there.

Cast off.


For age 4 – 6 years…same as above but with these numbers.

Cast on 36sts    garter stitch 18 rows    rib 18 rows (so the same number of rows, just more stitches).

After changing back to the size 8 needles for the foot part Knit 24 then turn and leave 12sts on a safety pin.  The middle contrast is then K12 turn and you knit 27 rows

When you restart the main colour from that pin and have knitted to the end of the row you then     

K12  pick up 15 from side K6 on toe…use the third needle and K6 on toe  pick up and knit 15sts down other side  K12 (66sts altogether)

You then knit 11 rows (again same number of rows, but with 10 more stitches)

The toe shaping is:

K1   K2tog   K23   (K2tog   K10  K2tog)   K23   K2tog   K1

K1   K2tog   K22   (K2tog   K8   K2tog)   K22   K2tog   K1

K1   K2tog   K21   (K2tog   K6   K2tog)   K21   K2tog   K1

K1   K2tog   K20   (K2tog   K4   K2tog)   K20   K2tog   K1

Knit 1 row

Cast off.                                                                                                                                  
Please do not copy these pattern instructions without permission
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced
or republished on another webpage or website.
Copyright © 2016 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2016 ‘Ally Jay’  All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Yhao sock supplier provides socks in stock for the newborn, baby infant, toddlers, and children. wholesalesocksbulk.com/bulk/stock-products/socks/kids-socks
