
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Staying connected with my favourite blogs

Oh ! I am confused .........

There seems to be conflicting rumours about Google Friends Connect not being available from next month. Some say it will stay for those who already use it but will not be available to new bloggers. Some people seem to think that it is the Google Reader on the dashboard that is being withdrawn. There seems to be as many theories as rumours. And I am more than a bit confused.

Google may well be planning to make changes in an attempt to encourage bloggers to use Google+ ? I am not sure - but I would hate to lose contact will all my lovely followers - OK I only have 32 - but I am proud to be followed by each & every one of them !  And I love following your blogs too. So many inspiring blogs and interesting posts. I am almost overwhelmed by the creativity of 'friends' I will only ever meet online. I need an easy way to stay connected with you all.

So ...... just in case ..... I decided to register with Bloglovin .....
It's my back up plan 'just in case'.
I set it up this morning and it was quite straightforward as I read this post ~
I registered, transferred my friends and added a widget without any problems.

So you can now follow me on Bloglovin-
and I won't lose those of you who are registered there too !

What do you all think ?  Is it all a fuss about nothing ?
I would love to hear from you .....


  1. I don't think it's gong to affect us too much Marianna. Google reader will close but you will still be able to read about the blogs you follow on your dashboard on the reader list. I find the best way of keeping up with your favourites it to put their blogs in your side bar then you can see at a glance if they have posted. I found this post quite informative :)

  2. Hi Marianne, glad you brought this up - Im confused.com too ..... - my favourites are in my side bar as Linda said so I hope I wont loose anyone (only have a few but they are lovely friends and worth keeping hold of!!!) - hope you are well xxx
