
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Pretty Baby Blanket

Pretty Baby Blanket

I hope you like my latest project ~ a pretty scalloped edged blanket for a newborn baby.
I have been knitting for a long time but I have never seen this particular pattern before -
it is an adaptation of a Shetland Lace feather & fan stitch.
The pattern has been around for 15 years so maybe you have already made one of these !
If not - and you want to have a go - then the pattern can be found at

It is a 4 row repeat pattern - and it is actually easier than it looks.
I knitted a practise square first with 45sts so that I was sure of how to do it -

the first row seemed a little complicated, with a triple increase and decrease, but I soon understood what to do.
The instructions are for a blanket 45" x 45" but I decided to make mine with less pattern repeats 
as I wanted a smaller blanket for a newborn baby.
I cast on 135 stitches instead of the 240 stitches suggested.

pretty baby blanket

I completed it this afternoon, and I am a little sad that it's finished as I enjoyed making it .....

Still ~ that means I can begin something new.
Don't you just love the choosing, planning & preparation of a new project?

* * *


  1. That's very pretty. The new parents will love it.

    1. Just heard that it will be a baby girl! Can't wait to meet her.

  2. I love the scalloped edge! How about this for your next project ?


    I think they are lovely!

